Writing for the Public

Draft #1

In my friend group and between my sisters we use the phrase ā€œand sceneā€. This word has become so familiar to us that we don’t even recognize we are saying it. I think using this phrase has become a habit between us. In my friends group that is also part of my work community, that phrase is so normalized that we don’t even call jinx when we say it at the same time.Ā 

It all started because of memes, like 4 years ago. It was a picture of some dude in a suit taking a bow with the caption ā€œand sceneā€ and my sister shared the meme with me. In the text she said ā€œyou; when you are done having a bad attitudeā€ and we found it funny by how relatable it was, because Iā€™m the dramatic one in the family. After that, my sisters and I used ā€˜and sceneā€™ after one is having a breakdown, or come home ranting about something at work. For example, this one time that I lied to my mom about where I was going, and after I convinced my mom for letting me go out with a fake story, my sisters were waiting outside my moms room and said ā€˜and sceneā€™ cause of the ā€˜performanceā€™ I did in convincing my mom to let me go.Ā 

Ā  I got so used to using the phrase that I brought it to my friend group by accident. One day at work, one of my friends was giving a speech about why the guys at work shouldnt be allowed to use the girls locker room bathroom, and for some reason she was very passionate about her argument, to the point that it got a bit intense, she was using a lot of hand gestures. That when she was done ranting about it, I said ā€˜and sceneā€™, I said it in a low voice thinking that no one was going to hear me say it, but they all heard it and laughed. They apparently found it funny and laughed. Now still to this day, when one of us is having like an episode or we are on our period and a bit moody we used ā€œand sceneā€. Our definition for this phrase is basically when one us is being over dramatic and causing a scene. And sometimes we say it to ourselves when we feel we are being over dramatic or yelling a lot. Like if I would be complaining about how people are rude in the train to my friends, Iā€™ll properly know that Im being over dramatic and end my mini ted talk with ā€˜and sceneā€™.

We also used this phrase to lighten up the mood sometimes. During the summer I was like the designated driver for my friend group and sister. We were headed to the beach and some guy stole out parking space that weā€™ve been waiting for, for 10 mins and I just didn’t find it fair that we waited for the space and this guy just comes out of nowhere and parks there. So I started cussing the driver and telling him how I was going to hit his car and pop his tires. But after we decided to leave and find another parking spot, and my friend from the back seat yelled ā€œand sceneā€. And I understood what they meant because my yelling was really unnecessary and I kind off cause a scene in front of whole bunch of people.Ā 

The day I realized that ā€œand sceneā€ was just between me and few people was when I was waiting in line for an iced coffee in some lady was talking to someone on the phone of why biden wasn’t going to be a good president and I wanted to say it out loud but I realized I couldn’t because no one was going to understand. We also use ā€˜and sceneā€™ in text we are giving out opinion and we get defensive about it and we just send a gif of someone taking a bow. I like that we share this phrase only in between us because it makes us feel more comfortable with each other and it makes us feel special being part of a group that has developed this slang work and using on daily basis.


1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    Evelyn, I think this is really good and funny! The one thing I would encourage you to think about for the final draft is this: what is the main point here? What do you want your readers to take away? It’s not the phrase “aaaand … scene!” because, while that’s funny, anyone could say it. But what you might want people to think about is your relationship with your friends, which is certainly unique. So, tell us a little bit about your friends– maybe tell us about how your friends’ humor can get you through a hard day or bad times. Then this little inside joke becomes a lot more important– and those moments when you don’t have anyone to share the joke with make your readers miss having your friends there as much as you do!

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