Something that not many people know about is how life is in a cage. It is unfair that there are kids that have to live in camps which are such awful places. These places are meant to be shelters for these kids until their cases can be clear but, the conditions they live through are the worst part about it. These kids spend months in places like this sleeping on the cold hard floor with many other kids. Being able to share statement tat come from kids that have been in these awful places will bring change. All of the statements that come from these kids are very heartbreaking know what they go through is a reason why change should happen as soon as possible. Kids are still being locked in cages happening today even with the new president. Some people were upset about this when the Trump administration when Obama was president, put kids in cages but are ok with the new president doing this. Living in metal cages really affects the health of these kids whether mental or physical. These kids become sick from other kids being too close to them rather than being medically treated. Some kids end up dead because of sicknesses they catch that are not treated. After these kids are finally sent someday can be traumatized or just not the same after being alone and having to care for themselves. There is not a lot said about the things that happen behind the door of these places. This is something that more people need to know of so that we the people can all act against this to find a better alternative.