Kids that have experience with living in the camps where they are kept in cages have their own stories about what happens. An anonymous 16-year-old girl from one of these camps says “We are in a metal cage with 20 other teenagers with babies and young children. We have one mat we need to share with each other. It is very cold.”, written in a Newsweek article. This girl telling us that they have to sleep on a shared mat where it’s cold, inside of metal cages with 20 other teens and babies. What this girl says brings my attention because it is crucial that they have to lie in these conditions for such a long time. These kids do not deserve to be cold at night and have to share a floor mat. These kids should be at home with their parents in a warm bed with food in their stomachs and not in a crowded metal cage. These kids are humans too they should not be treated like animals by sleeping in cages.