In my second reading of the  How Corona Virus Stress is Scrambling Our Brains by Laura Sanders, I noticed how involved personally the author was with the piece. She dove headfirst into establishing a connection with the audience, she accomplished this by speaking about her own struggles during the pandemic. This is demonstrated by the following “I’m on deadline, but instead of focusing, my mind buzzes with unrelated tidbits. My first grader’s tablet needs an update before her online school session tomorrow.” The author establishes a sense of normalcy towards the readers before getting into the main topic concerning the effects of COVID-19. The author uses her own problems to show how COVID-19 is posing problems in her everyday life that wouldn’t necessarily be the case if there wasn’t a pandemic. This is a very important literary tactic to use especially in an informative piece, this is because readers can become disinterested when bombarded with information. The author’s introduction of herself at the beginning allows the author to not only give the readers information about the topic but about the author as well.