Writing for the Public


What if I tell you that there is an Island that is just made of plastic waste? Would you believe me? You produce an average of 4.4lbs of waste per day, which multiplied by everyone on earth is equal to about 32 billion lbs of waste. Would you believe me now?

How Useful Is Recycling, Really? – The Atlantic

How Big Is The Great Pacific Garbage Patch? – WorldAtlas

1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    I do believe you there is an enormous amount of trash (although I’m not finding 32 BILLION tons anywhere– you would need to cite a number like that. The article you cite says “If current trends continue, there could be 12 billion metric tons of plastics in landfills or in the natural environment by 2050”).

    Can you narrow this down a bit to the question you are going to research? Are you going to look at the garbage patch in particular, or are you going to look at what individual people can do to reduce their own waste or are you going to look at what we as a society should do to about our enormous trash problem?

    I think trash is a great topic– I just think you need to narrow it down into a clear, researchable question! It may help to do the KWL+ questionnaire again (which is posted on the website)

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