There are multiple issues that i feel are important and should have light shed on them however in unit two i have somewhat of an idea on what i want to focus on. My first option is the killing of Trans woman (more specifically black trans woman). This is one because i am apart of the LGBTQ community and feel as though it is important to speak on issues occurring within said community. However i also feel like it is important to discuss because of how prevalent it is more so now than ever and more awareness needs to be brought to it.

My second option would be to focus on toxic masculinity and how it has a negative effect on young boys growing up, especially young men in the black community. I feel as though this is also important due to the fact that it is a big topic going on in the media right now, and i would be able to talk on this topic better due to me actually having experience with it opposed to what Black trans woman go through (although either would be fine). However in a sense i feel like they both have some connection to one another. This is because a lot of men do have toxic masculinity and this is seen when they kill trans woman in order to protect said masculinity and fragile egos. I don’t think however that i would be able to properly connect that two in one paper and make it make sense under one topic.

Finally my last option would be to focus on ableism and how a lot of people and places don’t really adjust their way of thinking and establishments to service people who don’t function as typical people do. This has been a big issue going on, specifically with deaf individuals as they have voiced that a lot of places don’t really accommodate their needs although it should. This also goes for people in general and how they are ignorant to a lot of the problems disabled and neurotypical people face as a community. I personally believe that shedding light on an issue such as this would not only cause people to be aware of their surroundings and others, but maybe it will encourage someone to possibly learn sign language (or something like that to better accommodate the needs of said neurotypical and disabled people.