I chose the article “Is Marriage Obsolete?”. I chose this article because in today’s world marriage is not on everyone’s list for their future. From this article, I learned the possible reasons why people do not want to get married. Some people believe getting married was not that important to them. I can see from the author’s example of their younger daughter not wanting to get married for the possible example that they, as parents, make their daughter think that. The author of this article uses her experience with her marriage to see things like those people who do not believe in marriage. The younger generation may not believe in marriage for the example that the older generation sets for them. The author incorporates information researches done on how marriage affects people who are committed to one. This was proven by a 2017 Census where 18 and over believed that marriage is not an important part of their adult life. Some people see marriage as a trap where you have to sign a paper in agreement and terms to follow. They also think about the amount of money that comes with planning the ceremony for this trap. In this reading, it’s clear that there are people who think that marriage is just suffering to death that puts a lot of pressure on a single person. With marriage comes frustration and regret which is why there are 40-50% of divorces in the U.S. From this article, I can see how things are different from the traditional marriage that existed many years ago. It has made me see that marriage in the 1900s was full of abuse, raped, and women were not allowed to have anything under their names. This has made me see that marriage can affect how long a person lives. This article has lived up to my expectations and more because it helped me see other people’s points of view when it comes to marriage.Â