Have you ever thought some words should be used by a certain group of people?

Yes, there is some word that can be said by a group of people it’s the case of “Nigger”.The word Nigger or negres in french is a street word or slang, we said “nigga” which is pronounced the same but different way of writing. This word nigger (nigga), that we use today is related to our history as black people in the 17th century at slavery time. This history begins with these countries in Europe England, France, Spain, and others by taking control of the small islands and bringing black people from Africa. Also, history mentioned that the boat that transports the slave were calling Negrier which is another reason they call them slave nigger. Due to the fact, that the Africans have different skin of color to the white people they used to call them nigger.  During this period it was normal for a white person to call them like that just to remind them of the  differences between Black and White. Also, they show them they are not from the same social class or same categories.


However,after several years things as been change where the word nigger  is an insult for the black people and not allow a white persone to call them that way.Its considered as an racist act to call a black persorn nigger and they would be a bad concequences for this person if a lot of black people are present. On the other hand, black people call each other nigger , and they feel comfortable with that. Furthermore, a lot of rappers use the word in their songs which promotes it more to the street and school sometimes. Also, most black movies use that word toward the entertainer. Nowadays, the word nigger concerns the type of person who said it and it will not be easy to take it away from the black people because they feel comfortable and proud of it.


From my own experience, I grow up in a country where most people are black and where we use the word nigger (negres) a lot. However, not a lot of people know the meaning because we grow up and see our parents and grandparents saying it. Also, the teachers and director at school use the word a lot like it doesn’t mean anything. Despite this, I know the meaning of the I can’t stop myself from saying it because as a black person I can not get any negative reaction from anybody. As a result, it becomes a normal word for us where you will find in a book where the author expresses himself of being proud to be a nigger. The percentage of light skin people in the country is not that much but they also use the word nigger between themselves and other people. However, it doesn’t matter to anybody because we see each other as the same people. In college, I met a Russian friend who does not grow up in a country where most of their population writes. He just comes to the US doesn’t know our style of talk, so one day he asking why we calling each other nigger because he would like to fit in our style of talk. I was a little shocked and quickly understood him, then I explained the meaning of the word to him and let him know that he would be in trouble for using that word. That if he didn’t come up to me and ask for the word meaning it would be in trouble because he had the idea to use it in the street.


Surprisingly the elder does not call each other nigga because they considered it as a lack of respect toward them. This explains that the only teenager using these words to each other. Despite this, the elder wants to keep the word out of our mouths that hip-hop music could not allow us to stop using it. On tv the word nigger is considered a curse word, every time someone using the word they have to do something to cut it so the children and others could not hear it. For a lot of people that word reminds them of a lot of bad experiences back in the day with the white people. In my opinion, I agree with the elders. If you banned the word for a group of people it should ban because it doesn’t matter who’s saying it is still a cursing word. Some tv shows and bloggers on social media are trying so hard to cut off the word on every interview because then celebrities use them word a lot without saying that kids and other people are seeing them as a model for their society. However, if a writing person just the word nigga by accident they would be the first one getting and go on social media to critics them people for racism.


Some people use the word nigga refers the word bro. For example in black community sometimes they call each other nigga that’s mean they are brothers. In our world racism never stops because some whites are using the word nigger on purpose to intimidate a black person. However, it is difficult for certain people to stop it because they hear they are superior to black people. It’s a type of mentality they grow up with which means that they got it from their parents and they keep that same energy to the next generation. In England, a lot of football players are getting racial abuse from social media by some whites people by calling them nigger, monkey, and others. However It is difficult to convince them Being white doesn’t mean you are  superior , it doesn’t matter The color of skin  white , black ,metsite , light skin is created to live equally. Nowadays black people are doing an incredible job in our community as white people do by having respect for each other and not calling the black person nigger. Some I think the word nigger should be banned black people as it’s banned for white people because at the end of the day some would think it’s normal to call a black person nigger because they do it to each other. In some particular job, they could dismiss someone for calling his colleagues nigger, as a consequence, it would get a bad report which would make it hard for this person to get a job.