When Mike Bunn writes in his article “ You are already an author” it means that we are our own authors. Yes of course we haven’t sold out books or either well recognized. However, that’s not all to what authors actually are. Authors are not only people who write books. But also are people who write whether it’s for a homework assignment or for research. It doesn’t have to be necessarily because you wrote a book. But because you’re the author for every writing piece you have written. You choose every word, sentence, and what writing strategies to use in your witting. For example, I have written many essays for high school. Most of these essays are done after we finish reading a book. The reason why teachers assigned these essays is to see if we have actually read and paid attention to the book. Which makes sense because the more we read the more will improve our writing skills. Now all those books and articles I have read have helped me in developing my writing skills. This will allow me to succeed in my reading and writing career path. 

According to Mike Bunn’s article, reading how the author wrote and seeing how he/she influences us readers by the choices the author has made in their writing. This is actually a writing technique I have learned and use in all my writing pieces. Which is also a reason why I actually take longer to write. Mostly because I like to give my best in every piece of writing I do. Which is why I actually go through those choices that a writer has to make. Meaning like using certain techniques or using specific wording that can help my writing skill. Just like in Mike Bunn articles, the way he used certain words and writing skills to make us readers understand he’s point of view. I really hope this would help my writing improve a lot. Also will help the reader understand my writing.Â