Writing for the Public

Homework #3 Bryan Moreno

In my opinion the most difficult passage was the first one because the author just throw the information to my face with no introduction my brain just failed because all the thing that the author was saying I got really confuse to be honest but after more reading I was understanding what the paper or book was about and it has been really interesting and is based on Dominican Republican story and his Dictadorship. Another thing that got me thinking what was the meaning of fuku and by eating attention to the reading I think it means like a curse because in the passage 3 I can see that the author said that some people had try to kill Trujillo and it was said that if u talk bad or try something bad “will incur a Fuku most powerful, down to the seventh generation and beyond.”

In my opinion this book has a lot of thing that people that are form DR say and it has a lot of Storie from there as culture and that interesting to see in a book that is in English also people from DR can relate to their sayings and it teaches others that are not form DR some history from a Dictator back in the day.

1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    Yeah, that’s a tactic writers sometimes use, just basically throwing you into the action and you have to figure it out. Sometimes it can be exciting– or sometimes confusing. Or both!

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