In Mike Bunn’s article, he writes “You are already an author.” I believe he means that we choose our wording based on how we want others to visualize our way of thinking. This can be in a form of homework, a research paper, or anything that involves writing. This is because we choose our words so that others can think like us or try to understand our way of thinking. Every word that we use in any way of writing can have an impact on the whole writing piece. It can make people think about the choices that you made while making writing. These forms of writing can help me in my college reading and writing career by improving my form of doing it. I want to be able to read something and understand why the author of something decide on writing the way that they did. I also want to be able to get some ideas from the reading so that I might want to include them in my own writing because that is something I would want someone else to do with my writing.

   One thing that I might want to do in my own writing to write so that others can read it like a writer and get some ideas of techniques from my writing. This way of writing will have the reader’s attention and want to continue reading to find out all the techniques that the writing includes. I want to do this so that whoever reads whatever I write thinks about having my form of writing as a possible example for their next piece of writing. I want them to think, why did she decide to write it this way? Or this is an interesting choice of writing that she made. This could also have my readers thinking, what if she wrote this instead of that.