I believe what Mark Bunn meant when he stated, ” You are already an author.” is we all are truly authors. when you write an essay , a book report ,  your daily notes or writing in your diary you are the author of all of those sources.  you don’t necessarily have to be a certified writer in order to be an author.  everyday you’re an author of your own life.  Some things that I have  already written are essays. I write plenty of essays, maybe because it has to do with my major. I also enjoy writing information about my day from time to time. I wouldn’t necessarily call it a diary, but I do enjoy writing about my feelings especially  if something is bothering me, it helps.  I believe the more words you use and jot down can help you through college especially with your English or English like classes. It can help you build up a stronger vocabulary and understanding. it’s also good when reading to look up those hard to pronounce words that you may not know the definition to, because 10/10 you’re more than likely to see that word again, and at least next time you’ll know the definition.  I know writing can be hard for some people at times. It’s hard to speak on all the things that happening in your head and in your life. I believe reading can help with that. It’s like as Mike Bunn Said, ” When we read like writers we understand and participate in the writing. We see the choices the writer has made, and we see how the writer has coped with the consequences of those choices … ” reading can provide you with a better understanding and idea on how to properly form sentences.

There’s plenty of things in Mark Bunn’s article that I would like to try to do in my own writing but the main one that stood out was asking the question, ” How.”  Questioning the authors reasoning as to why he wrote this novel. what particular kind of audience did he exactly have in mind when writing this piece of writing, and what kind of feeling does the author want to leave with their audience once the reading is complete.