Both “Zayn Malik and the Songs that Bring us to Prayer” article and the video unlearning my name are very similar. Hanif and Mohamed both are uncomfortable when it comes to the pronunciation of their names. Also because of the assumptions people get right away from hearing their names. Which non-a-days in society with just hearing or seeing your name automatically start assumes the type of person you are. This is actually an issue in our society, we don’t have the right to judge people based on their names. Most important make them feel uncomfortable for how it’s pronounced or written or any type of way. 

My name is Yadira and I was born and raised in queens New York. Although I’m part Hispanic because my parents are from Ecuador. However, personally I haven’t been through many unwanted moments due to my name. The only two moments I can remember that I have come across have been people assuming I’m Indian and the pronunciation of my name. The pronunciation of my name has always been an issue just because sometimes it’s difficult to say it.  Which can also be understanding because different names are unique and not common and aren’t often heard. On the other hand, it doesn’t make it okay to assume how I am as a person just because of my name and how different it may be. Can result offensive at a certain point, mostly because these situations happen when I was a child. Situations like these stick with you and create insecurities. Up to a point where I wanted to change my name to a more common and simple name. Over the time I have released what I didn’t before how important my name was. Also the beautiful meaning of how my name was picked out. Understanding the history of my name has made me overcome my insecurities of my name that were created from these uncomfortable moments.