ADV1100 Graphic Design Principles 1

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  • Assignment #2 Aural Topographies: Mash Up Prep
  • #15725

    Wanda, your staccato and legato work was simple, yet creative, good job.



    Heres how mine would look like mix-n-matched



    @Justyn: Your 1st Legato reminds me of the waves in the sea, nice job!


    Lisa Chan

    Lok Tung (Wanda): The thumbnails are all really interesting, I like the first thumbnail in your second uploaded picture. It look’s like it represents staccato well, and the zigzagging lines makes a cool pattern overall, I like the shaded triangle shapes the that lines form.

    Andrew: I like the different variation of patterns. All of the thumbnails are clear in being either Legato or Staccato. I like the top left thumbnail of staccato because the lines are bold and clear. It has a jagged feeling. And the black and white makes it ambigous which is I think nice for a pattern.

    Julio: I like waving gridlike pattern the middle thumnail in the second row of the legato’s. It’s interesting and is almost like an optical illusion. The repetition of lines work to create a cool pattern.


    Jenna Spevack

    Justyn: Great start! Now what you want to do is flesh these out a bit. Vary the line weight, add in shades of gray to create variety within the pattern pieces. See what you come up with.



    @Jeddy: EPIC. You can be a Dj, seriously. :D You mix reminds me of the Caribbean beaches, great job! *Thumbs up*



    Andrew, I feel that all of you skecthes were success full . Your legato thumbnails are calming, flowing , mellow. They have a great sense of continuity and they have no jagged or sharp edges , as I said, they flow. Your Staccato thumbnails are very jagged and very sharp. They really capture the staccato aspect of the music . If I had to choose an “unsuccesful” thumbnail it would be the bottom right staccato thumbnail because I think the extra lines are a little too much.


    Sean Nurse

    So I made Revisions to my thumbnails since I didn’t really have it right here before. Hopefully you can all see them.



    Oscar your legato gives off a maelstrom feeling i feel if it was in blue it might get off a depressing aura so you might want to be careful with the colors you chose or the amount of contrast you put into it.


    Jenna Spevack

    Jeddy: Please go through the lecture and review the past student examples. You will want to fully develop your patterns and work with the grid to create a unified comp. What I see here is an illustration using a number of patter pieces– not the goal, but a good experiment. I suggest restricting the number of pieces to 1 or 2 staccato and 1 or 2 legato — fully develop them and then rotate, resize, flip and repeat these pieces to create a mashup.

    Post your work in progress at the end of class here:


    Jenna Spevack

    Sean, these look like a good start! Glad you got them up. Work on your legato patterns a bit more– stretch out the lines. They should feel more like hmmm.. pouring glue or stretching out bubble gum. This is a sound that is slow and long and stretched out.

    Now is the time to start developing them further.. Refer to the Lecture/Lab for references:



    Wanda , I found your thumbnails very interesting . Your thumbnails can easily be identified as a legato and stacatto just by looking at them. I think your work is very succesful. Your staccato thumbnails are very eye catching and your legato thumbnails are very mellow and flowing. Your thumbnails are very psychedelic, “trippy” in a sense. Great Work.


    Jenna Spevack

    ((This critique is now closed. Post any questions to the Attendance and HELP topic.))

    Everyone should now be at the Lecture and then working on the Lab work:



    Tiffany the second one to the right stands out to me it reminds me of a labyrinth and i think you should incorporate it into the final ink pieces.



    OMG SORRY MY COMPUTER GOT CRAZY CUZ I HAD MY AUTOCAD PROGRAM OPEN SORRY …… so i hope im not too late ……………………. Bites the Dust was easier because of the quick beat. On the other-hand Summertime was calm and slow, so it took me a while to find different patterns to express it .

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