2019-2020 Opening Gateways Faculty Seminar

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  • Advisement Questions
  • #56221

    Laura Ghezzi

    Dear Fellows,

    As faculty, you represent the face of the college to our students. Because of this, you may encounter questions from students that lie outside your area of expertise – mathematical content. We’ll be spending some time on November 15th addressing these kinds of questions, and giving you the resources you need to help direct students most effectively. Before Seminar 6 on November 15, please post here on the OpenLab ONE or TWO EXAMPLES of questions you’ve received from students that are *not* directly related to course content (questions about registration, careers, financial aid, bureaucracy, personal problems, etc.) – especially questions you aren’t sure how to answer, or “questions that scare you!”


    Henry Africk

    Question: Student comes to you after midsemester deadline to withdraw. Student has only attended 2 classes, has missed all exams and not submitted any assignments. Student has been sick. Student would like to know, how they can pass course?


    Lucie Mingla

    Hi good day professor, I’m thinking about dropping your class, because I’m not doing so well alot is going on for me right now and the last day to drop the class was the 5th to get a withdrawal grade so it wouldnt affect my GPA. This being said, can you write a letter for me to give registration office so that I would get a W in the class from your approval. I’m not sure if it works that way though
    (copied and pasted)


    Laura Ghezzi

    I am not fully confident in advising students who ask about withdrawing from classes (not necessarily mine). I suggest that they consult with financial aid if applicable, but sometimes I feel I am missing the big picture…

    Question from student: If the class has a co-requisite that I am passing do I have to withdraw from that too?



    I’ve had students ask about their career options after their degree. I would like to know more about careers of our alumni, both math department and other STEM majors.


    Victor Sirelson

    Goodmorning professor,
    I have not been able to attend the class because I had to go through a knee surgery. I attended class for my exams because I did not want to miss them. I see that I got a grade “U” and I would like to discuss with you further on this matter. Please give me an appointment to see you. I understand that I have missed lots and lots of classes, but I don’t want to give up yet and still try till the final. Please help me our professor. I’m really struggling with school and my knee issues.


    Deena A

    Hello Professor,

    I’m emailing you to inquire and just to ask is there anyway I could still at least get a D in the class. Yes I haven’t been there in weeks and I have no one to blame but me. My reasoning for not going was because I unreasonably doubting myself from passing the course. Of course I shouldn’t have been thinking like that because it was only the beginning but like I told my advisor and my parents I don’t doubt myself on purpose I just happen to second guess myself a lot. I’d totally understand if there wasn’t a way or anything you could give me to at least get me a D in the class. Like you said in the beginning this is a hard topic and I will need help from my class mates and other sources but me being me I always try to overcome obstacles by myself and that’s where I messed up because I started giving up and feeling like I was getting up and at 5:30 to make to Brooklyn from the Bronx by 8 am for no reason. Thanks again for your time and I’d totally understand if there was nothing I could do to get my grade to a D at least for the end of the semester.

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