A City Tech OpenLab Project Site

Author: Ashley Rodriguez

Labor & Employment Practices

Greece undoubtedly has quite intricate employment practices as they are based around creating good relationships. These practices truly depend on how employees and organizations participate in companies with “subsidiaries” management in Greece (Triantafillidou and Koutroukis, 2022). Therefore, the practices of employees depend on the setup or input that is taking place in the workspace. For example when the country faced its Recession, the youth unemployment rate was almost at 60% while those that were employed had part time and low pay jobs (Papadopoulos and Jones, 2023). That Greek staff was part of what aided in their bounce back and having established the Memorandum of Economic and Financial Practices which serves as the guidelines within many job settings was what left a mark in maintaining the economy (Katou et al., 2021). Understanding employment practices is where the focus should lie because determining how workers and the business are being affected is crucial for that lasting success.

The country has emphasized its attention in labor practices while working around existing routines and techniques to create new opportunities. The European Union has established changes for a Flexible Contractual Arrangements Index which would mean there is more likely a chance to make out the labor market reforms (Grekousis and Gialis, 2019). The European mega-region is striving towards “market-oriented and capital-based patterns” and Greece is one of many places that has migrant labor showcasing impressive stats and notable workspaces because of the modernization (Nori, 2021). Furthermore, there will always be a want for economic growth but that can’t be reached without making various accessibilities or accommodations in all fairness for the people that are working and those looking to get hired to keep the factors of production running. Therefore, having “employment flexibilization” is a necessary practice because the goal is to set up a work environment that protects everyone no matter what (Vlachou et al., 2018). Overall, the labor practices and labor law legislations are there for order and seemingly a real workspace can’t function without them for everyone’s safety, equality, and progress.


Greece is developing itself with many technological advancements that are going to be beneficial and quite impressive for their society. Throughout the years the country has found ways to work with the means that go back to their “innovations in methodologies” which are the Minoan and Mycenaean technologies for metalwork and raw materials that have become a staple of the science and archeology seen throughout their history (Irby, 2021). However, the country’s skills and traditional use of tools and techniques are going to be challenged by the barriers of trade with the digital world. Greece’s information technology industry has had an impact on business with the use of patents and various claims with the rise of works in AI, cloud computing, or other software systems (Metallidou et al., 2020). Also, the Greek government has presented its support of tech innovations with national strategies that are meant to create “cost-effective” products for the science, health and wellness systems/markets which could be quite valuable (Barbosa et al., 2022) since such advancements are building for the future that could need them long term.

An area in which Greece has tried to use its technology to maneuver through is the manufacturing industries. Many Greek companies are said to be moving along the supply chain production when teaming up on upcoming designs and systems of new aerial tech that can help with international exporting (TBJ, 2023). Now with many more connections, e-retailing has essentially taken over and truly brings in profit with the business to business markets through research and everyday devices that give either start-ups or top of the line companies a boost (Angelakis, 2022). Seemingly, there are good efforts being brought in by crafters and retailers but that wouldn’t have been possible without the accessibility to numerous online platforms to communicate. Especially within the last few years Greek IT spaces have focused on updating remote sources for e-commerce by using data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development to support online experience capabilities for teleconferencing, network sites, and more (Papouli et al., 2020). By Greece pushing for modern business assets or tech gear it can only lead to more rewarding breakthroughs.