Developed by First Year Programs

Reflection #4

We invite you to tell a story about how you are preparing to be a City Tech student. Research has shown that first-semester students often worry about their transition to college, yet eventually they become comfortable and find a community of people with whom they are close and feel they belong. Share your own story of preparing to be a college student. *

* This reflection is inspired by the ā€œOur Storiesā€ project.


  1. Leila Gonzalez

    My preparation to becoming a college student is quite exciting but at the same time scary. My goal is to obviously meet new people to connect with and hopefully have long term friendships with some people! To reach that goal of mine I have to prepare myself to be more out there; hence, talk to people around school or even in my classes. Iā€™m also preparing myself to be on time to my classes this upcoming semester so I can start and finish off my first semester strong! I have to set up a good study schedule so I can definitely ACE my exams to be able to qualify for the Nursing Program. Meanwhile, Iā€™m also learning how to time manage my school life and duties that I dedicate towards my education and also my personal life which is my family/friends/hobbies. Overall, after participating in this 4 day class I believe I will do well in college and hopefully make a few friends and hopefully if I keep passing all my classes ā€¦ I will be able to qualify for the Nursing Program of Spring 2025!!!

    • Julmide Mentor

      Hey Leila, that’s an excellent plan. I wish you the best. Remember to read your syllabus thoroughly!!

  2. ABianK

    This freshman readyness is somewhat giving me a adrenalzing sensation making me form a bright vision for my upcoming years at CityTech. To begin connecting with those who share the same likes/interest with me, I must take iniative by starting conversations & being approachable in class. These 4 days has given me valauble knowledge & I should start implementing new methods on my study guide. Joining RadTech is a main priority for me.

    • Julmide Mentor

      Hey Abiank, I would suggest you to join a club. I am thrilled CT101 has given you an understanding of what college is like. Have a wonderful semester!!!

  3. Jen Cruz Calixto

    What I will do to be prepare for college will be setting up goals and achieving them. I will also do my best to challenge myself. I will also want to meet new people and join clubs for my first semester. I will also be very organized so I could be on top of all my work. Also I will do lots of studying in the library and going for tutoring and to student success center. I also want to do good in my major as well as in quizzes and exams. While being in city tech 101 I learned many things and with all that help I will say that I will be prepared for my first semester.

  4. Julmide Mentor

    Hi Jen, I am glad you leaned something useful in CT101. Good luck in your first semester!!!

  5. Dris

    In high school, I would always go on college trips or join extracurricular activities to boost my profile. I used to compare myself to other students with high GPA’s and a whole lot of APs and got worried think I was not enough. Fast forward to now, I’m a City Tech student who 100% ready to start her college career. Thank you to Professor Francis, Julmide and Heavyn for making this possible for me.

    • Julmide Mentor

      You’re welcome Dris, we glad we was able to help you!!!

  6. Ariana Soriano Cruz

    Iā€™m preparing for my first semester at city tech by looking up study tips online so my grades are exceptional. I also want to make sure that everything is balanced with School and my mental health. I will be fixing my sleep schedule so I donā€™t feel tired in school and so I stay productive. I want to engage with my peers that are also going into the same so the Iā€™m able to create connection with them. I will also make sure that Iā€™m up to date with everything and if if I ever need help Iā€™ll go to office hours, see a tutor, and go to the writing center so that Iā€™m able to succeed and have a good gpa.

    • Julmide Mentor

      Make sure you get your full 8 hours of sleep Ariana, you’ll be more focus in class and so much more. Great preparation.

  7. Melissa

    I am so glad that I went to this workshop because it has really made me feel like Iā€™m prepared and less nervous about starting the fall semester. I am also taking a biology summer class and I think itā€™s the best thing I couldā€™ve done. I feel like itā€™s going to be an easier transition. The explanations about certain things in this workshop were perfect insight of what things are like. I am excited to start my journey at city tech and hopefully also help new students when I get the hang of things. I want to thank professor Greathead, Julmide and Heavyn for being kind and an inspiration.

    • Julmide Mentor

      You’re welcome Melissa. Good luck with your Biology class!!

  8. Kayla Batista

    something I did to prepare myself for city tech is I got a notebook and wrote down some goals that I have for myself when I for when I start school in August such as keeping at least a 3.00 GPA so I can get in the nursing program next semester. another goal of mine is to try to not be late to any and all classes when I and when I get to class, I am going make sure that it has 100% of my attention and focus

    • Julmide Mentor

      Ask the professor questions it will show that you care about your grade. Good luck Kayla!!!

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