Developed by First Year Programs

Reflection #3

Think about a time when you joined a new group activity (maybe a team, religious retreat, club, or workplace). 

  • How did you feel when you first joined? 
  • Do you recall a moment when you felt like you were part of the group? 
  • What benefits did you get from participation in the group?
  • What can you do to help yourself feel like part of a group at City Tech? 


  1. Leila Gonzalez

    To think back on a time where I joined a team has to be my first year trying out softball for the very first time. I can just remember how anxious and nervous I was to even join team full of other girls my age but as time went on I got comfortable and all of my nervousness went away. I felt most part of the team when we had practice and the girls and I would just joke around before Coach got there and we would just conversation about our class work or even anything funny that happened to us throughout our day. Benefits that I’ve received personally from joining a team has to be Confidence, Motivation and a Growth Mindset. Things I can do to help myself feel like a group at City Tech can be letting people get to know me because It takes time for me to make friends; hence, trust is very important to me and I just don’t hand my trust to anyone so to be part of a community where my trust is never questioned would be really great!

    • Nyla Alves

      My friend is also really into softball !! You also explained how you would want to feel while in a group and I think you explained it perfectly with wanting to make friends as well since it’s hard now of days but I’m sure you’ll do great !

    • Heavyn

      OMG yes. Whenever I start something new I’m always anxious because I don’t know what to expect, but once I start, I realize I was overthinking it. There are plenty of clubs and organizations you can join here at City Tech where you can find a community of people you relate to and can learn from.

  2. Nyla Alves

    One time I joined this new dance group in my middle school years the first time I joined I felt really excited because at the time I was really into dancing. A time I felt apart of the group was when I was able to contribute to the dances and pitch in my ideas. Some benefits I got from joining was being able to make friends and have new experiences that made my middle school life more fun. Lastly something I can do to make myself feel apart of a group at city tech would be to make sure that I am heard and that I am also supported.

    • Heavyn

      I used to dance in middle school and my freshman year of high school, and I formed close bonds with people I am still friends with today. City Tech offers Zumba classes which are located in the Academic building. It’s not the same as regular dance clubs, but it’s similar. You could also start your own dance club if you still like to dance. I know many students probably would love to join.

  3. Ariana Soriano Cruz

    The first time I joined a club would be in middle school for the volleyball team. I was nervous because I didn’t know anyone at the time, and I was also anxious that I wouldn’t make the cut. After joining the team, the bond with my other teammates kept growing. Over time we would end up going out in groups or just chit chat about whatever’s going on. I was able to gain more communication skills that helped me connect with other teammates along with new people. Something that I can do to help myself feel like part of group at City Tech is learning about clubs/ extra curriculars and also creating a group of friends within the same major would also be beneficial.

    • Heavyn

      I loved playing volleyball–during gym

  4. ABianK

    The time where I joined the HS soccer team with my friends. During that time period I wasn’t physically/athletically stable because the lack of self practice & being consistent in training has fallen. Therefore my mindset was like if I make it then great if i dont it dont even matter. I experienced Adrenaline,Fear,Joy,etc. Yes I literally knew everyone making my life easier to connect with each member. except 2 or 3 seniors, me & my friends were pretty known. This experience made me realize that the motive towards joining the HS soccer team was to simply be part of a community & avoiding the feeling of missing out. I had no intentions of joining the school team. All I did was be a follower instead of a leader. To feel connected at CityTech you must decide if this is the right  moment “I” want to be part of a club/team/community.

    • Heavyn

      City Tech has plenty of clubs that you could join and there’s no limit to it. You could connect with different people if you really put yourself out there!

  5. Jen Cruz Calixto

    The time where I applied for a internship for a job. Where they get to choose where I go to at that time I was really nervous because every time I applied for a internship it would be a different job and meet new people each time and I would get nervous because it would be my first time at the job and I was trying all the best to be confident and think that everything would be fine. A time where I felt part at the job would be at our lunch break where they used to give me advice and always told me how I can achieve the things I want and how education is something that I should take advantage of because not everyone gets the opportunity. The benefits I got from this internship was being able to get more experience in working in a restaurant and being motivated. What I can do to be part of City Tech will be joining clubs and doing extra curriculums and being able to make friends.

    • Heavyn

      That’s good that you already did an internship. Make sure you check your emails because the school sends information about different internships for students to apply to. What internship did you do?

  6. Kayla Batista

    I used to work at Shake Shack on 125th street in Harlem. When I started working there, I felt really nervous and out of place. I started to feel like I was a part of the group when my training was over, and I got to be on the stations by myself and interact with my coworkers and the guest and move around the kitchen. When you are still in training, they have you off on the side doing a few assignments and watched a few videos about the job. you also spend a lot of time watching your trainer, learning how to do thing for about 2 weeks. Once I started being a part of the team, I got make a few friends even got meet my boyfriend, learn new stations, being left in charge, others look to me for guidance. in city tech I can open in up to people, make conversation, bond with people that are looking to get in the same field that Iam, so that we can go through some of the struggles together and help each other.

    • Heavyn

      Aw, I love that you ended up meeting your boyfriend there. Did you like working there? You should join one of the clubs here on campus, this way you could create new friendships.

  7. Dris

    The first time I joined a club in high school I was super anxious. I felt like something was holding me back from socializing. One day we all got together and started to vent about school and life and that made me feel more comfortable with them. Participating this group helped me form connections with peers and teachers. As well as boosting my confidence and productivity. Something I can do to feel apart of a group in city tech is to try to open myself up to people and make time to be apart of a club

    • Heavyn

      What was the club you joined in high school called? It sounds like a really good club.

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