Gallery Report

1. In the Mathew Pillsbury, Exhibit City stages I saw many images with long exposure and all had motion blur or some type of motion in the photograph. All the photographs were black and white. In every image the surrounding backgrounds were sharp and in focus and the people were blurred. Most images had strong horizontals and verticals. Most were long shots of urban areas, indoors, museums, carnivals etc… which gave the emotional feeling of busy, calm,  relaxed, and happy.

2. Rijksmuseum Exhibit all images were sharp. Every photograph gave the feeling of being unfinished or a void, something missing. Museums under construction almost giving the feeling of being behind the scenes. I gave me the feeling of hard work, tired and empty. There was a lot of depth in the images all going inward from an entrance or a door. Great use of perspective, in each image there were either windows, doors, or arcs to give it that feeling.

3. In the Composites Exhibit you didn’t really understand till you saw the book on the percentages of composites. All subjects were looking straight at the camera and eyes open wide. The portraits were digital images made with percents of images put together. It gave me s weird feeling weirded out confused some were even kind of creepy. All subject were with serious expressions making the exhibit more weird.

4. In the arrangements exhibit i saw many beat up houses that gave me a sort of gloomy feeling. The photographs were foggy and blurry. Weather played a big factor in the images. Even if there was color the scenery gave the idea of movement it still was sad and gloomy.

5. In the Julie Saul exhibit there were some photographs with birds eye view and random people walking around. Some images seemed like collages mixed together with other images to create one image. In most images there was movement and action. Most parts of the images were very sharp and the colors were vibrant. Some motion blur was shown in t some photos especially the continuing train image people were sharp and some things seemed to be in motion. the photography was mainly about the city.

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One Response to Gallery Report

  1. rmichals says:

    It is interesting that you found the images of the Riksmuseum by Deroo to convey hard work. Other students saw symmetry and calm. I think it is probably a bit of both. The compositions are so balanced and considered but the content of the images are the unfinished areas of the museum, reminding us how much goes into getting a museum ready to be viewed by the public.

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