Author Archives: Darren

Final Evaluation — Darren Parvatan

Coming into this class I was used to taking photo’s with my phone. After the experiences we had in this class though, I was really able to see the true difference in professional photography. I gained much respect than what … Continue reading

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Painting With Light — Darren Parvatan

This was my favorite picture due to the simplicity and the Christmas feel you get from it since the holiday season is here. This picture was taken with a shutter speed of 4″ and an aperture of 11. From first … Continue reading

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Best 2 – Lighting 11/13/13 — Darren Parvatan

I chose this image on top as one of my favorite pictures due to the dark nature of the photo. Carolyn sinks into the dark background and along with her facial expression gives the audience a sense of fear. The … Continue reading

Posted in LL6-Portrait Lighting for Mood, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Three-Point Lighting – Darren Parvatan

Three-Point Lighting is when the light is positioned in three different positions so the subject can be illuminated as desired. The background light is the one that is pointed towards the back drop to make the subject stand out. The … Continue reading

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Lighting Direction – Darren Parvatan

This photo uses a backlight which allowed the photo to appear as a silhouette. This was my favorite photo taken due to the creepy atmosphere you kind of got from it. You see the flowers leaning to the side along … Continue reading

Posted in LL4-Lighting Direction, LL6-Portrait Lighting for Mood | Leave a comment

Gallery Itinerary – Darren Parvatan

Irving Penn On Assignment Irving Penn was known widely for his fashion photography. His most recognized work is the photo’s he took for the magazine, Vogue. He worked a lot with still lifes as well as fashion and portraits. Through his … Continue reading

Posted in Homework, HW5-Gallery Report | Tagged | Leave a comment

Botanic Garden Trip

This was one of, if not my favorite picture taken from the Botanic Garden trip. I chose this one because it has a great contrast of light and dark. It almost seems as if there is a dim spotlight on … Continue reading

Posted in LL2-exposure, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Daguerreotype-Digital Photography Comparison

The format between daguerreotype’s differ from digital photography today as we have a wide variety of options in our camera’s today. The quality is better and we have the option of taking photos in either black and white or color. … Continue reading

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Composition – Darren Parvatan

I chose this photo because of the interesting view you get from it. This worms-eye view lets you see the chair from a great angle that not only makes the chair look huge but its surroundings too. It also has … Continue reading

Posted in LL 1-Composition | Leave a comment

HW #1 — Darren Parvatan

 Chrysler Building by Michael Kenna I chose this photo because it really shows how great the city of New York is. This photo really shows New York as the city that never sleeps. With all the bright lights on you … Continue reading

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