Aspiring women

The article goes over key points from a women’s only conference that was held for the employees of Corbin & King, which is based in London. As the amount of women in senior roles are steadily increasing it is important to motivate other women and aspire them to climb up the corporate ladder. We deserve equal pay and equal opportunities as men! The 10 key points of the article are very important and can be applied to anyone in this industry.

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2 Responses to Aspiring women

  1. samson says:

    Hello Dimarco,
    I couldn’t log in to the library as the link directed so I tried googling this article using aspiring women, and then chanced upon this:-
    Is it the same aspiring women or this is different?
    Then I tried Corbin&King and this very interesting article which is a little bit long came up.
    But these two articles reads different to the one you posted.

  2. gldimarco says:

    No those are not them. Not sure why it isn’t working.

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