Keeping the Housekeepers happy and working hard

Industry Research #2

This article highlights many good things to do or say to employees to keep their work productivity high. As a housekeeping supervisor I must make sure all the housekeeping department is on track at all times and that their quality of work is consistent. You must keep their morale up as much as possible to ensure the standard of the hotel or company is kept. I proposed a neat idea to my housekeeping manager that was told to me by my mom who has worked in housekeeping for 20+ years. It was a type of test/survey of the skills and work the housekeepers did. We took 10 dollars in singles and placed them on the bed of the room , then for every mistake that was found in the room we took away a dollar , if no mistake was found the house keeper kept all 10 dollars. I told the housekeepers before they headed out about this survey , I would pick a random room they did and examine it. Sure enough the amount of mistakes that I have noticed before were all gone!!! This kept them in a happy mood and in a positive attitude , my manager told them we would do this randomly and they should keep up the good work!! How do you motivate your employees? or how does your employer motivate you?

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2 Responses to Keeping the Housekeepers happy and working hard

  1. Carline says:

    This is a great article that employees and employers can learn from. If you are an employer it is so important to keep your employees happy. Acknowledgement and recognition is more valuable to some employees than money. My supervisor motivates me by acknowledging my work and it is such a great feeling. It keeps you motivated to do your job better, take more initiative and definitely brings employee morale very high. Happy employees makes a successful business.

  2. Tory says:

    I found this article helpful. Lately I have been reading articles from an author named Art Petty on leadership that my old lodging professor put us onto. Keeping employees happy are vital to the success of the company. They can make you or destroy you. I motivate my employees by showing them that I am on their team and I lead through example. I am all for the initiative system.

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