Industry Research


Works Cited
Jones, Peter, and Abhijeet Siag. “A Re-examination of the Factors That Influence Productivity in Hotels: A Study of the Housekeeping Function.” Tourism & Hospitality Research 9.3 (2009): 224-34. Web. 25 July 2015.

This research examines the issues of productivity in hotels and what the main factors that affect them. The paper examines a widely agreed industry assumption that productivity in hotels are mainly determined by factors that are not in control of the manager. One yearā€™s data from a chain of 45 hotels is used and analyzed from its labor scheduling system that records every hour worked by every employee and can be used to identify specific performance measures and as point of reference of working habits. The study concludes that there is no major difference in productivity levels according to size, location, demand variability or age of the hotel, thus challenging the evidence from some prior studies. It concludes that managers have much more control over productivity performance than previously thought. I liked reading this academic journal because we continuously talk about working conditions and context and how important it is to work in a reputable and well-structured company that provides benefits and incentives. But Iā€™ve experienced again and again in my career that its people who make the difference. You can go and work in a luxury hotel or fancy fine dining restaurant that provides prestige and WOW when you tell to others: ā€œI work at the Carlyle hotelā€ or ā€œI work for Daniel Bouludā€ or ā€œThe Four Seasons Restaurantā€ Your productivity is directly related with your career advancement, whether a GM or waiter. As a manager you have to provide a feeling of security and acceptance to your employees and provide constructive guidance in order to get the best out of your team. As an employee you have to select a working environment not only by means of payment or company reputation, but also as an environment that will help you succeed you goals, grow as a professional and individual.

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