South African Wine Information

Here is a short article just published by the Wall Street Journal. You may need to be on campus to read it or have a subscription:

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One Response to South African Wine Information

  1. Greg says:

    This is a great article.
    Kanonkop is such a great producer it means “Cannon Hill” A little bit of history with this is that it comes from the days when the cannon was fired to signal the arrival of the Dutch trade ships into Cape Town. We carry one of their wines called Kaddette. It’s a pinotage blend. 54% pinotage and the rest is made up of bordeaux grapes. Its a beautiful fully body wine with a bananas and cherries on the palate with a slightly peppery finish.
    Oldenburg. I had the opportunity to meet Adrian Vanderspuy and Philip Costandius one of the proprietors and one of the winemakers at a winemaker dinner we held at Kaia. It did not really dawn on me who it was until after.

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