Geoffrey Zakarian Drops Out Of Donald Trump’s New Hotel

I chose this article because this controversy has been on the news lately. I personally think that Donald Trump should’ve thought about what he was going to say because making that statement about Latinos. This act did not only affected his political career but also his career as a business man. This event will impact the reputation of his hotels.

In this article, Chef Geoffrey Zakarian, who worked atĀ several hotels that belonged to Donald Trump, announced that he will not be part of the opening of a new hotel. Ā The Chef’s decision of not being part of this project will reflect in the future and it also affected the decision of several employees who are from Hispanic background.

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2 Responses to Geoffrey Zakarian Drops Out Of Donald Trump’s New Hotel

  1. Sally says:

    I felt the Chef. Zakarian made a good choice. Trump should have watched what he said especially if it going to be broadcast worldwide. He should respect his workers. After all the negativity, I also read an article about how he was not apologetic at all and he would not apology for the truth.

    Unfortunately, the new hotel that is going to open in 2016 has lost a great chef.

  2. samson says:

    This incidence is very good reminder of the effect of mixing business with politics. Most people who have done very well in business usually destroy their empires or reputation and many years of hard work the moment they join politics..
    There are some mistakes, omissions, commissions and breaking of the law that takes place everyday in the business world, but the moment politics comes into play, the reaction is lacking dropping a ladle full of water in a hot deep fryer.
    Before the splashes, sizzling and crackling settles a never to forget lesson will have been learnt.
    For Donald Trump, this might be a a bowl of water into a smoking hot deeper fryer.

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