Waiting Tables at Top-Tier Restaurants Is New Career Path for Foodies


Great article and I had to share it. I have been paying the bills now by waiting tables. It’s flexible, you can make great money,  and you learn a lot of invaluable skills. I think it’s important for those who want to be in the food and beverage business to understand how a restaurant works, and being a server allows you to experience it all.

Especially if you get the opportunity to work for the top fine dining restaurants. You can certainly make a career of it, especially of one doesn’t want a managerial role.

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One Response to Waiting Tables at Top-Tier Restaurants Is New Career Path for Foodies

  1. Every college student should work as a server, great money, decent hours, so much to learn about people, food and beverages. I am surprised more of our students are not servers.

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