Attention to detail is the key to profitable events

article 1

Ken Burgin leading hospitality industry consultant offers helpful tips on how to manage and meet the expectation of clients for food service businesses in Australia.  These are great tips not just for businesses in Australia but for business all around the world.  I agree with Mr. Burgin paying attention to small details can lead to a successful deal for a profitable event.

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2 Responses to Attention to detail is the key to profitable events

  1. The link is through the City Tech library and may not open for all students. Will you please provide the name of the article in case someone needs to search it separately? Thank you.

    Can you provide an example of a tip you used?

    • Carline says:

      I apologize for providing the wrong link. I added the link as a media file, just click on article 1 and it should direct you to the article. The article is in the and it’s called Attention to detail is the key to profitable events by Ken Burgin

      The tip that I use at my internship when a client calls to book an event is #2 Fast Responses get the booking. If the potential client leaves a message to inquire about spaces, I make sure to call them right back. I also have a list of questions and answers ready on hand that they might ask. I also have list of hotels, catering menus and space diagrams on a pdf ready to send to the clients right away.

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