Sheraton 2020

Within the upcoming 5 years, Sheraton is going to make a lot of changes, such the layout of the vision of 2020 plan, the 10-point plan. In my opinion, I feel like Sheraton is one of the most well known and top revenue brand when it comes to one of the Starwoods Hotels & Resort brand. With many Sheraton worldwide and active for many years, I am confident to say that this plan will definitely increase loyal customers as well as new ones in the upcoming years.

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5 Responses to Sheraton 2020

  1. Jennifer Lin says:

    I like the marketing strategy of Sheraton 2020. Number five, six, and nine stood out to me a lot. Making sure the employees are passionate and happy at work to me is the best way to ensure high quality service. In internal marketing if we provide happiness to our employees, the employees will be enlightened to provide a even more memorable experience to the guest. Also getting service right every day, every time, and everywhere is a must in providing hospitality services I believe. We should not say no to our guest and provide our best service as possible. Lastly, I find number nine interesting because I like the idea of putting art works either it is historical or modern in hotel lobbies/room. It seems like a living museum and I do find that fascinating that a lot of hotels do have or have plans of it.

  2. Stephanie says:

    I think this article is important not only to us as Hospitality Professionals but also as guests of any hotel. This company is really thinking ahead and organizing all the ideas without forgetting the people who make up the organization itself and also the customers. It is also important to pay attention to all the work and changes they are making because this shows that the organization takes their job as hospitality professionals very serious.

  3. Carline says:

    Sheraton 2020 is a great plan. Sheraton is keeping up with the latest trends when it comes to Hotels and the hospitality Industry. Servicing guest and giving them the wow experience is so important in Hotels. Sheraton 2020 will bring in so much profit, it will keep guest happy and coming back, it will keep employees happy, and provide more jobs. This is wonderful news for Sheraton.

  4. gldimarco says:

    This is great news for us graduates! This means there will be more work opportunity within the Sheraton brand, especially for management opportunities. It’s always exciting to work with brands who are looking for a makeover. As young, creative professionals we can bring valuable ideas to the table. I will definitely check out their career section!

  5. Luis says:

    This is great info!!! I myself am applying for a few positions in Sheraton properties and found this article very useful!!
    “Maniacal – and consistent – focus on excellence in service delivery, including cleanliness, condition of rooms and responsiveness to guests”
    I know now what sheraton is trying to achieve and I will use this article’s info to hopefully “wow” my interviewer on friday(7/31/15) Thanks Again!!

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