Brenda Cordova

I want to be someone important in life and the industry of Hospitality Management is based on meeting new people from all over the world. I would want to work in hotels but mostly travel and plan events and organize people desires. Hopefully in the next 4 years I will be able to accomplish and get my degree, also work in the future with my fellow classmates. I’m a good listener and always have good feedback to give with others are in need. It may not be the correct feedback but it might help. At first I’m a bit shy but once I get comfortable I’m really outgoing and like to always bring positive vibes to the atmosphere.

2 thoughts on “Brenda Cordova

  1. Jennifer Lin

    Hello Brenda,

    Being a good listener is so important in this industry. We have to constantly listen to our guest needs and to our coworkers, managers etc. Also every company needs people with good attitude and a good vibe- people like being around people with such characteristic, so don’t shyness get to you. 🙂


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