Justin Kwok

I’m a student currently in New York City College of Technology studying Hospitality Management. I am extremely eager to learn and to gain more knowledge about this industry. I am a very positive and cheerful person! I love to make people smile  and laugh. When it comes to hard decisions or crunch time, I have an open mind and can think things through and will succeed on completing all aspects of any task. My goal is to graduate College with a Bachelors and to begin working on a cruise ship. I enjoy traveling to places like Haiti, Mexico, Jamacia, Bermuda etc. Ive been on a wide variety of cruises so if you have any questions or comments please dont be shy, come talk to me!

2 thoughts on “Justin Kwok

  1. Jennifer Lin

    Hello Justin,

    You seem very passionate about the hospitality industry. I feel that being passionate about what you do…you are half way there already. I have not been on a cruise yet, but I think it one of the best job opportunities.


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