Category Archives: Electronic Profile Submission

Nicole Maldonado

Ā I am a nineteen year old freshman attending New York City College of Technology. In my Academic years I have always obtained Bā€™s and above. I attended a film high school where I studied the film curriculum for four years. I learned how to edit films, make music videos and I learned how to analyze a character. I am a freshman attending New York City college of Technology. I am majoring in Hospitality Management. I hope to open up my restaurant in the future. I came to this school for two reasons. One, because it had the major that I want to pursue. The second reason I came to this school is because of the community. I lived in Spanish Harlem all my life and I wanted to get familiar with thisĀ borough.Ā Ā 

Although I did enjoy the film industry it just wasnā€™t something I could picture myself doing everyday. Culinary has always caught my attention ever since I was a little girl. I grew up in a family with a lot of girls and I remember always seeing them cook food in the kitchen. As a young girl I watched cooking channels and cooked while the shows were playing. Although I am a big fan of cooking, I am not a huge fan of baking. I enjoy cooking for people and seeing their reaction when they eat my food. I hope this school teaches me how to differentiate the various foods and seasonings. I also want to learn anything else in the kitchen thatā€™s going to enhance my experience.Ā 

I personally would say that I am a strong person because I have had to build myself after going through various difficult issues. I am quite a character some would refer to me as a sour patch, because I am a genuine person who cares naturally for other but I can also be a very sour person in which stands up for herself when she feels disrespected and not always in the nicest of ways. I would say that a strength I have is the ability to talk to others and help them through any issues they have going on and motivate them to do what would be best for them. It is difficult and most times uncomfortable for me personally to express my strengths because I do not particularly like engaging about myself as much as I love to learn and engage in conversations to learn about others. I would rather talk about others and fix their problems then speak to others about my own and myself.Ā 

Welthy Lora

It is awesome how our ideasĀ  and mindset changes over the time. When I was a little girl people used to ask what I wanted to be when I grew up and I always said that I wanted to work in a salon. As the time passed by, I changed my mind because after serving and helpingĀ  in a church back in The Dominican Republic, I realized I was good at helping people and giving them satisfaction. When I was in high school I also experienced the idea of helping others. I was in an internship class where I expanded my strengths of being able to threat people with respect, a good understanding, and kindness.

In other words, I chose to be a flight attendant because during that career I’m going to show and over prove my strengths to travelers. I am sure that Hospitality and Management is the right path for me to accomplish my goals in the future. My personal interests that enhance my professional attributes are that when I take the time to help people, I make sure I do the best I can so that they could be comfortable, satisfied, well served, and most of all that they feel happy with my job.



Runxin Dai

I’m a freshman in City Tech. Before I attended to this college, I was a high school student and many of my friends were having the conversations about “Which major would you choose in the college?” and ” What do you want to do after graduated from the college?” Every time when they ask me about it, I always don’t have the answer for them.

One day, I had a conversation with my best friend, I told him that I wish I can own a restaurant after graduated from college, produce some kind of new and delicious foods. And he suggest me to choose the major named “Hospitality Management” Then I chose to go to City Tech and chose the Hospitality Management. For my working experience, I worked at the tea shops for a long time and I also worked at a Japanese restaurant for a few time. But I still don’t have much knowledge about the foods, and I wish I can learn more in this major.

In the future, I want to learn more managing skills and more knowledge about different foods, such as “how are they produced?” or ” how can they combine with other foods and make them more delicious?” in order to enhance my personal strength. And I also wish to have some friends, and we can talk and share our ideas to each other.

Electronic Profile Tatianna Taylor

My hospitality experience began when I entered high school. Younger I didn’t care to search what hospitality meant so I thought I was going to a school for nursing embarrassing I know. Day one of entering high school I was placed in the kitchen and never left. Well sometimes I did to do front of the house work, if there was an event to volunteer for and it happened to be front of the house I didn’t mind. I felt to understand Hospitality I needed to do both sections. I found out my junior year of high school that my school was a paired with C-CAP or Careers Through Culinary Arts Program. Its a program to get teens into the industry as soon as possible. When I heard that it was like a “bam then it hit me” moment I can start now. Or at least I thought the very first program I wanted to join I was too young 15 looking for a way in I asked the person in charge of the program practically begging to be accepted but there was nothing she could do about it I was too young.

I turned that lucky number 16 December of that year and waited till the following fall semester of school (senior year) and I was hungry I signed up for every program I could get my hands on that C-CAP was offering. I didn’t face any troubles in being accepted either. Thank goodness. Between the job shadows, kitchen training programs, and assistance with your culinary path C-CAP opens doors for many and its opened many for me. Not only job wise but visually they put me in places that I never thought I’d see the inside of and opened my eyes to my own personal door that helped me realize that in the hospitality industry is where I want to be. I enjoy both sides but my heart will always be with the kitchen. A lot of the time you’ll hear back of house people knocking down front of the house but I hold equal respect for both. Back of the house receives the pressure of getting delicious food out to hungry customers all while trying to stay consistent with flavor and plating and being hot is always is understatement in the kitchen. And front of the house works to keep diners wanting to come back for more all while dealing with the attitudes from kitchen staff.

I decided to continue on with Hospitality in college and have my focus be Culinary Arts for the idea that I’m now comfortable with the demands of the industry. I like to be pushed to my limits because its that kind of thing that helps a person grow and in this industry thats all you’ll be doing as long as you stay, is grow and learn. I love the idea of that it excites me. I love the idea that even though you’ll enter a kitchen and you’ll see a sea of white and black everyone looks the same but no one is. The personalities are different the techniques are different, something different can be learned from every individual in that kitchen and you’ll never know that unless you watch, learn, ask, and try to get the most out of the experiences in front of you.

Electronic Profile-Holly Ye

I chose the major Hospitality Management because thereā€™s a wide span of options I can go from there. Iā€™m heading toward the direction of hotel management and tourism. I learned that pay doesnā€™t really matter if youā€™re not satisfy with what youā€™re doing. So my career goals are to find out what Iā€™m passionate about and be content with my job. My personal interests are hands on activity and traveling, which goes hand in hand with this major. If Iā€™m interested in what Iā€™m doing, then Iā€™m serving my guests instead of putting up with customers. The only work experience I have dealing with this field is working in a small bakery a few years ago. Iā€™m hoping to gain more experiences before I graduate. I have been told my strength is persuasiveness, which would be good for dealing with customers.

Murielle Thimoleon

I am a first semester freshman here at City Tech. I chose the Hospitality Management major because I love food! I like learning about it, making it, and most of all, eating it. I’d one day like to call myself a foodie and have my own place to express it. I look forward to my higher education experience to help me get there, while also learning about other things that interest me, like culture, business, technology, fashion, and philosophy.

I’ve spent the last two years of my life preparing to become a student at the Culinary Institute of America. As a junior in high school, I took collegiate classes hoping they’dĀ prepare me for college. I studied eight months of my senior year as an intern for Madison of Madison Lee’s Cakes, while working as a counter girl and now waitress in the cafĆ©/bakery downstairs, Cousin John’s Bakery.Ā With my internship at Madison Lee’sĀ CakesĀ I had the opportunity to compete in Lisa Mansour’s 2014 glamour cake competition.Ā It was a great opportunity andĀ  learning experienceĀ for my career. Here is the first cake I ever decorated. competition cakes

Although I was accepted to CIA, things just didn’t work out financially. However, studying at City Tech is a far better choice. In a short amount of time, I’ve realized how great of a school and program I am now a part of. I’m going to have to get used to this profound amount of responsibility that was given to me, but I want to learn to accept it not fear it.

Ayako Hiratsuka

Ā Ā Ā Ā  I came to NY one year ago and studied English in ESL in LaGuardia CC to go to City Tech. This college is my second college, becauseĀ I have a bachelor degree of Global Communication in Japan where I am from. The reason why I chose this college is that a lot of people in NY have various races, cultures and back grounds. My first job was mainly an organizer of TV programs at a cable TV company in Tokyo for about three years; I developed my abilities such as such as a creator, a negotiator, and an organizer. Then, I belonged to one of Japanese domestic airlines which is a part of All Nippon Airways as a flight attendant for three years and half; the reason why I chose this career was that I realized that I preferred to serve customers directly. When I was a member of a committee of customer satisfactions in the company, I learned the company policy deeply which is ā€œThe much smaller things are, the more we have to take care carefully and politely for passengersā€; this hospitality mind aroused my curiosity. Moreover, I learned that safety is one of the most significant factors for hospitality businesses to be success. Due to this reason, IĀ studied Food Protection system and obtainedĀ a qualification of Food Protection in NY last year. Although my goal is still unclear, I prefer to serve customers and manage work environment somewhere such as hotels, airlines and restaurants. Through this campus life, I would like to be a person who can show more people hospitality and share happiness as much as I can.

irina kupershteyn

I always wondered what the answer is when people asked me “who do you want to be, what do you want to do?” and I still to this day don’t have an answer for them. What I do know is that I want to be successful and experience as much as I can in order to know the answers.

Before I chose the hospitality management major, I was majored in Psychology. I thought “that’s it, it has to be the one”…but it wasn’t. So, after my first semester in Brooklyn college, I immediately did a late transfer to city tech. I fell in love with the environment and saw how nice everyone is. Since this major is very new to me, I don’t have many experience in the hospitality field, but I did a few times work in catering. I think for me it is safe to say that I wish I started off working in a slower paced job and then work my way up to a more fast paced.

When it comes to my strengths, I think that I am determined and dedicated. I like showing people that I can do it. So, that is what leads me to my goal. In the future, I hope one day I can open my own business with my mom. Although this is my future, I would very much like to open a small cafe/health store because my mom always wanted one, but never got a chance to. I want this to be a gift for her, so hopefully, if it becomes a successful business, my goal would be to expand it.


Jessica Pineda

As a recent high school graduate, starting college is a drastic change. Not being told what to do, or how to do it can be scary but i know I can handle it. I see myself managing hotels and traveling a lot, teaching and learning from others in a goal I have given myself because this is something that makes me who I am. I have lots of experience with people, as I interact with them at church, work and lots of other places. All my life I have been doing community service for the Salvation army, as it also is my church. I have learned to assist with peoples attitudes and situations, and not everyone is lucky enough to a perfect life, so managing different personalities is my strength. In college I plan to learn how to succeed in and travel to many parts of the country and maybe over seas. I would love to see myself learning from others views and cultures. Learning different languages and communicating with others around the world would be the topping to my career. I want to be someone who knows what they are doing in their field, I would love to be looked up as an example. With hard work and dedication I know I can do this, the hard things in life aren’t handed to you. You have to work hard for them. But its surly worth it at the end of the path.


Jeff Grannum

I have dedicated my career thus far on providing the highest level of customer service in a myriad of areas throughout the service field. I began with a two year foundation in retail as a sales representative for Steve Madden, a designer shoe company, from there I moved into the restaurant industry starting out as a bus boy at a small bar in 2006. Over the years I worked my way from bus boy, to bartender to server, to my current position as a seasoned server/floor-manager at Soco, a popular soul food restaurant in downtown Brooklyn. My aspiration to open, own, and operate my own bar lounge one day is what drives my constant thirst for knowledge as I am currently pursuing a degree in Hospitality and Management from the New York City College of Technology.