Electronic Profile-Holly Ye

I chose the major Hospitality Management because there’s a wide span of options I can go from there. I’m heading toward the direction of hotel management and tourism. I learned that pay doesn’t really matter if you’re not satisfy with what you’re doing. So my career goals are to find out what I’m passionate about and be content with my job. My personal interests are hands on activity and traveling, which goes hand in hand with this major. If I’m interested in what I’m doing, then I’m serving my guests instead of putting up with customers. The only work experience I have dealing with this field is working in a small bakery a few years ago. I’m hoping to gain more experiences before I graduate. I have been told my strength is persuasiveness, which would be good for dealing with customers.

2 thoughts on “Electronic Profile-Holly Ye

  1. Victoria Kitsos

    Hey Holly, I can totally relate to what you are saying because I am in the same situation as you are. I love cooking and creating meals. But I also love interacting with people. There is such a broad spectrum of things to do and pay does not matter experiences do matter. Overall I think you did a good job in your profile.

  2. Prof. Karen Goodlad

    All of the fields of hospitality compliment and rely on each other. Start to work in a bakery could easily lead to a position in a hotel. The more experience you have early on will lead you to a smaller niche in our field. Keep exploring!


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