Author Archives: jsylvesterd

My Wikipedia Experience

This assignment was quite unusual to me and definitely a step away from research reports. It was slightly difficult because information was hard to find on many of the presented topics. It also presented the challenge of what is appropriate to … Continue reading

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Wikipedia First Draft  The Dymock poets were a literary group of the early 20th century who made their home near the village of Dymock in Gloucestershire, England, near to the border with Herefordshire. They were Robert Frost, Lascelles Abercrombie, Rupert Brooke, Edward … Continue reading

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Wikipedia topic

After reviewing the poetry stubs available and doing some research on the school’s databases, I have choosen to expand on the topic entitled Dymock poets. These are some of the sources that I have found cited in MLA format: Whittington-Egan, … Continue reading

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My Experience

For this week’s assignment, I participated in a discussion in an art history course. I read a post about the life of monks during the medieval times. I was interested in this course because I am also taking an art … Continue reading

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“The Silken Tent”

It has been interesting learning about poetry so far, although I do not feel that I learned much from this chapter. I am going to be discussing my interpretation of “The Silken Tent” during this post. In my opinion, this … Continue reading

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Assignment 3/8

                At the beginning of the course we were asked to define poetry, I defined it as something that makes you feel some type of emotion. This class has helped me to realize that not all poetry has such a … Continue reading

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Antipoetry Robert Grave “The Face in the Mirror” 2/23

            Antipoetry can be described as a technique that gives life and reality to a poem. It takes away all of the glamour and “beauty” from the poem, and leaves the truth behind. Many times poets are expected to deliver … Continue reading

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“The Broken Coin: The Use of Symbol”

                This is a seeker post that attempts to clarify the differences between metonymy and synecdoche. In chapter three of our text entitled “The Broken Coin: The Use of Symbol”, symbolism is introduced and these two subjects are discussed. I … Continue reading

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Round Up This post is a first responder post by mandyj92, it defines the terms simile, metaphor, allusion, and synesthesia. These definitions are given through references of specific poems such as Emily Dickenson’s “My Life Had Stood- A Loaded Gun”. The … Continue reading

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