Before taking this course, I read and wrote poetry on my own free time. I’ve always been intrigued with the way words can illustrate a picture or perhaps a collage of emotion or even a scenario. With reading poetry, I began studying it in high school and every class/course has opened my eyes to different elements of poetry.
With this class, I got to see how other people interpret poems. Its fascinating to read a piece and think you have the general concept of the poem down packed then have someone tell you their interpretation and instantly see where they came from with that idea. As a reader, your past experience mold your perspective while reading so many people have conflicting ideas of what the poem is about. After dissecting the interpretation, the reasons behind it become more evident. That is the beauty of poetry to me and since I began this course I get to see that up front every Tuesday. For example, the poem about rose. The ideas that came up from reading that poem really took me into another realm. Though I’ve aloways been aware that everyone has their own idea but this class aloned me to see up close. Also, I’ve been learning new technical terms.