Assignment for Thursday, Tuesday

Hi All —

Here are your upcoming assignments:

For Thursday, 3/8
Read: WW, “Gold in the Ore”
Write: one blog post and two comments
— The blog post assignment: write about anything that you find interesting or provocative in our reading and/or class discussions. What are you thinking about? Has your way of thinking about poetry been changing since the course began?

For Tuesday, 3/13
Read: WW, “Working with Gold”
Memorize: Come to class having memorized a poem of at least eight lines. The poem should be from our book, but if you’d like to memorize a poem not in our book, just email me for approval
Write: make a list of questions you can ask about a poem as a way of beginning to figure out what it means

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3 Responses to Assignment for Thursday, Tuesday

  1. samypoetry says:

    Has your way of thinking about poetry been changing since the course began?

    My views/Thinking on poetry itself changed due to this course because I always viewed poetry as a way of expressing love, happiness, sorrow etc, although true I now notice that poetry has a wider range of expressions. In our last class meet we read the poem “The Sick Rose” and that poem caught me off guard because of how negative and unpleasant the picture it painted was. I was never really into poetry to begin with I’ll be honest but reading all these poems with the class and discussing them among each other made me realize how much of an art poetry is, a short and simple four line poem can have countless meanings. Each student expresses there view and at first I may have been skeptical of there interpretation but after listening and viewing it in there eyes I had a whole different view on the poem.

    I wasn’t sure where to post this response because I’m still unfamiliar with the site.

  2. Michelle says:

    I always thought of poetry as a way of expressing emotion. Having this course has helped me explore the many ways one can use poetry. When discussing the Sick Rose I found it very interesting the way people interpreted the poem. It showed me that at times a poem can have many different meanings yet it still contains the same core. Same thing when we disscussed the Silken Tent. I personally think that this course has helped me with poetry and it has defintely shed a new light on it as well.

  3. mchave says:

    I always thought of poetry as a way of expressing emotion. Having this course has helped me explore the many ways one can use poetry. When discussing the Sick Rose I found it very interesting the way people interpreted the poem. It showed me that at times a poem can have many different meanings yet it still contains the same core. Same thing when we disscussed the Silken Tent. I personally think that this course has helped me with poetry and it has defintely shed a new light on it as well.

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