Monthly Archives: February 2012

First Responder ” What’s it Like?”

Wow! It took reading the chapter twice to really be able to distinguish the use of similes, metaphors, analogies, synesthesia and allusion. I must say that the most dramatic was the metaphor and as the author stated it made a … Continue reading

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Chapter 2: Similes and Metaphors

First responders In the reading “What’s It like? Simile, Metaphor, and other figures”, it talks about how the mind itself operates by finding likenesses. It is often expressed by simile or metaphor. A simile is a figure of speech in … Continue reading

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Similes, Metaphor, and Other Figures

*First Responder Post* A simile, metaphor, analogy, synesthesia, allusion, personification and mythology is one of many ways a poet can work their way into a readers mind. These literary devices help broaden the horizon of the poem from a written … Continue reading

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Similes and Metaphors 101

I chose the video above because chapter 2 is mostly about similes and metaphors. This YouTube video is probably the best way to teach anyone what are similes and metaphors. It uses nice simplistic images combined with a little comedy … Continue reading

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Assignment for Thursday

Reading: WW: “What’s It Like? Simile, Metaphor, and Other Figures” (pp. 18-45) Writing: Blogging Assignment Additional instructions: 1. Please indicate whether your post is a “first responder” post or a “seeker” post. You can do that by adding a tag if … Continue reading

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Class Notes – 2/7/12

Course Group PRIVATE Have to join (click Join this group) Discussion boards Area to upload files Area for collaborative docs (like google docs) Shows members Allows Prof. to email class Course Blog PUBLIC Posts — comments Where we’ll be doing … Continue reading

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Tom Waits reads Bukowski

How to embed a YouTube video in a post — just paste the URL into the editing box and hit “publish”!

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