Assignment for Thursday 2/23

For today’s class, please complete our assigned reading — the “Double Vision: Antipoetry, Paradox, and Irony” chapter in Western Wind – and write a blog post of at least 250 words about one of the poems in the chapter. In your post, see if you can concentrate on a specific image and/or a specific use of “antipoetry,” “paradox,” or “irony.” How does that example contribute to the overall meaning of the poem?

For this assignment, all members of the class should write a blog post (ie., we’re not doing first responders/seekers/commenters/etc. this week).

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3 Responses to Assignment for Thursday 2/23

  1. Account Deleted says:

    Western Wind – “Double Vision: Antipoetry, Paradox and Irony”

    Poem by Walt Whitman (1819-1892) “Beauty”
    I think this poem shows antipoetry because the other is comparing beauty as a beautiful thing and creating a positive image but is also relating it to a not so beautiful side by talking about the opposite of beauty which is ugly or old. For example: “Not the beautiful youth with features of bloom and brightness but the bronzed old farmer and father”. The author is expressing images in his words of beauty but also reminding readers that aging is also beautiful. I like how he relates two sides of one picture to send the message. The challenge for the antipoet is to achieve two different artistic effects simultaneously, and to make these opposites complementary. This poem not only shows the difference of youth and aging but it shows different level of maturity for example: “Not the beautiful girl on the elegant lady with ? complexion, but the mechanic’s wife at work or the mother of many children, middle-aged or old”. This shows how life changes can change your role in life from an innocent girl into a hardworking wife; to me the author tries to bring about the feeling of the real side as opposed to the easy simple part of life.

  2. Prof. Gold says:

    Thank you, redd — but you should be posting this as a separate post, not as a comment on my post. After you’ve logged into the site, click on “Write a New Post” in the right-hand sidebar to get to the blog dashboard. If you have problems, please let me know.

  3. mchave says:

    One example of an anti poem would be Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130. This Sonnet is comparing the speakers significant other to a raw beauty that is rarely admired. For example when he says “I love to hear her speak, yet well I know That music hath a far more pleasing sound;” these are unusual comparisons. Which gives more meaning and thought behind his views. Although at the end he admits to loving her and disregards what he had said. An anti poem is an attempt to move away from ordinary poetry. There is more sense of truth within anti poems. Its a great way to add a twist. The comp isn’t letting me access “write a new post”

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