
Business Letter

Mickael Lall

300 Jay Street

Brooklyn, NY, 11208

April 8, 2013

Alan S. Pringle

Technical Writing 101

Scriptorium Publishing Services, Inc.

PO Box 12761

Research Triangle Park

NC 27709-2761

Dear Mr. Pringle

I am writing this letter in regards to your book, Technical Writing 101. After reading ā€œToo Big To

Knowā€ by David Weinberger, in which he expresses the ideas of networked knowledge and information

Overload, I ask you to at least take a look at the popular views today Weinberger’s says that knowledge

Which was known for a long time as expert opinions, and hard proven facts are now over the internet.

Weinberger claims people no longer rely on one expert opinion. Today we use the internet to interact

With people and share ideas because there are many more experts on a particular topic than before and

Thatā€™s a good way to keep your information up to date.

Today people are fascinated with technology so for them to rely on books is a step back. People want graphics, motion and something interesting for their information. People donā€™t even have hard copy pictures anymore.Ā  Technical writing should not only consist of mere demands, or instructions on how to proceed on with a task. Rather it should be more interesting, and artistic to engage all types of people.


From: Mickael Lall

Subject: Suggestions for Technical Writing 101

Date: April 8, 2013

Dear Mr. Pringle

In regards to your book Technical Writing 101.I feel the book gives a general outlook of what it takes to become a technical writer. I understand you have a old fashion belief system when it comes to knowledge, which I can agree on in some cases. A more detail and factual idea maybe benefit some readers, but times are changing and people today are putting down hard paper books and are relying on digital information. During my semester of taking Technical Writing I read a book call Too BIG To Know which explains how our concepts of knowledge is changing in the age of the Internet. For example Weinberger says ā€œas the digital age is revealing thatā€™s how knowledge worked with its medium was paperā€. Weinberger says we are so use to old methods of writing on stone and paper when we have a lot of information over the internet accessible to everyone. I hope you can read his work one day and maybe have a different outlook on your beliefs.

Thank You

Mickael Lall


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