Prof Garrastegui | SP24

03 – Process Upload W03

Students: Check out this example of how to share your process.

THEN add a comment to this page for feedback. Also, share your process link in the individual feedback links I will give you.

Other students SHOULD add comments to the file to provide feedback for their classmates.


  1. Mercedes Alvarez

    • My main goal this week is to begin research on my topic. I need to finalize my problem statement and start getting more specific with my topic.
    • Although it is still broad, I am satisfied with the direction I am going in. Focusing on fast fashion and how workers are neglected at the cost of cheap clothing.
    • I am struggling with creating a clear and concise idea. Research this week will help. I need to figure out what my goal is and how I plan to execute it.
    • I am open to any feedback or insights on my ideas so far.

    Process Book

  2. CATO5

    Here is my process book

    • My main goal is to explore more about either gentrification or global warming and hope I get more of a better understanding to identify the meaning of these topics.
    • I am satisfied with the list and thought I came up with for both of these topics so far
    • I and still struggling with how this is organized and if it makes sense to other people.
    • George Garrastegui, Jr

      Hello, you need to change the sharing access to your slides.

      • CATO5


  3. David Wu Liang

    My process book

    • My main goal is to find qualitative research.
    • I am satisfied with some of the information that I have found.
    • I am struggling to narrow down a solution or focus.
    • I am open to any feedback.
  4. Gabriel

    My Process Book

    A. My main goal is to provide researched that greatly supports my root cause of the issue I’m tackling

    B. I’m satisfied with the topic that I have chosen, as well as the start of the research in order to decide which direction I’ll be working.

    C. I’m struggling with how to display or showcase my findings in a certain format or process

    D. Any feedback is greatly appreciated! I would like to receive feedback if my root cause is clear enough to understand in the direction I’ll be going.

  5. Tehila Kahen

    Process Book

    • Tehila Kahen

      Process Book.docx This one.

      I am open to any and all feedback.

      I am struggling with finding the right solution.

  6. SarahJane Hayward

    SarahJane’s Process Book

    • My main goal this week is to do more exploratory research that will help me narrow down the direction I want to go in

    • I am satisfied with the possibilities I have come up with to pursue 

    • I am struggling to narrow down my problem statement 

    • I am open to any and all feedback, especially about the organization of my process and if it is translating and making sense so far
  7. Lizbeth Bolanos

    a. My main goal this week is to conduct research on resources and organizations that offer assistance towards my targeted audience. I would also like to make it a habit to jot down my ideas for my research approach.

    b. I am satisfied with the route and mind map that I am taking. I think I should write out and sketch out possible ideas. I realized that a lot of my research will be qualitative and so I need to figure out how to visually represent that.

    c. I think I am struggling with how to visually represent qualitative data/research conducted. I am also struggling to decide what my research approach will look like when gathering stories.

    d. I would like feedback on my problem statement. I feel as though I can narrow it down further. I would also like feedback on some ideas I have for my research approach and design concept.

    Lizbeth’s Process Book

  8. antigonebuzhala

    Milanote link:

    1. My main goal is to find more information and getting close to the target audience.

    2. I’m satisfied with what I’m learning while researching my topic.

    3. I’m struggling to get to one point, it’s still too broad. 

    Any suggestion or critique is welcome, thank you!

  9. HarryChen

    Harry’s Process Book

    1. My main goal is to find reputable research for my topic
    2. I am satisfied with the information I have to start my research
    3. I am struggling to find a topic that isn’t too broad and more specific

    I am open to any feedback and suggestions!

  10. Andre McClarin

    Andre’s Process Book

    I am aiming to make my topic be less broad as it’s not too easy of a topic to look up.

    I am open to advice on how I can advance this topic further. Thank you!

  11. Cassidy

    Cassidy’s Process Book

    1. My main goal is to become more specific and less broad about my topic
    2. I am satisfied with the progress of my research
    3. I am struggling to find a solution that that would fit this topic

    I am open to suggestions and thoughts, thank you!

  12. Michal Shahaf


    Please see my process book here.

    • George Garrastegui, Jr

      Hello, you need to change the sharing access to your slides.

      • Michal Shahaf


        I changed the sharing access, thank you.

        • My main goal is to explore what actions or products can help women feel more safe in the subway cart.
        • I am satisfied with the problem statement I formulated.
        • I and still struggling with choosing the most appropriate research technique/s.
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