The first journey of an internship starts with finding an intern. Honestly, this was probably the hardest part of the journey. There were too many options out there, the anxiety of the what ifs comes up. I personally didn’t have a too polished resume, let alone a proper looking portfolio to showcase my work. Being a part of CUNY, there are opportunities that I took advantage of. One of these came in the hands of the Cultural Corps from CUNY. I was able to get into the Cultural Corps. Within that time frame, applying to internships were a lot simpler. The interviewers know a bit more about you in general, being a part of CUNY and having a safety net of Cultural Corps, as you would need to be accepted into Cultural Corps to get to interviewers.
My personal interviews with the interviewers went smoother than I expected. At first it was very high intense anxiety. As it went on, the process got more natural for me. There was less fright, less stutters and most importantly, I felt a lot more confident. Setting the mood to be easier for myself and the interviewers was insightful. Most of the interviews followed standard interview questionnaires. I was practicing and using resources online, such as the one from Business Insider, about The most common questions hiring managers ask during job interviews. The little prep work allowed me to answer questions that were less expected. But having reviewed some of the questions, the curve ball is less of a hassle.
Overall, the interviewing and getting accepted to Cultural Corps was an amazing opportunity for myself. But I wouldn’t have gotten this offer without the help of other students, they were the ones that informed me about this program from CUNY. The best part about all of this, is that I got accepted to the intern I was most interested in, this was a non profit organization that craters to special needs. Their agenda was the first thing that was catching my attention when I saw their info. Being able to get interviewed by them through Zoom. I was able to understand their organization and how I could be a part of their operation to sharpen my skill set and provide a service to the community.