Blog post May 6 – Technology

It’s March 11.  You have to write a letter to your former self about your experiences of taking Writing 021 in person and on line. Tell yourself what the benefits and disadvantages of learning under both circumstances are.  If you are taking other classes that meet the way we do, please include that information as well. If you are taking other classes that do not meet in person, write about that.  If you have been challenged by technology, discuss that element of the experience. If you have benefitted by saving money and time, like Ann Patchett and shopping, talk about that as well. This response should be a full paragraph. In addition as you start to read your classmates blog posts, please include their information into your own post. It is really important that you respond using a complete compare and contrast model.

10 thoughts on “Blog post May 6 – Technology”

  1. This experience has been very challenging because i am not very familiar with technology, Being home can be very and working from home is also very challenging because, i guess the responsibility is double and the work too. People like me that get very anxious, space limitation can make you a little worst and its not good 🙁

  2. During this experiences, when taking class in person is more comfortable than having online discussion because in person we are not going to get lost in somehow, but during the online time we are going to have several problem that waste time to wait, like disconnection of internet or some of us might lose where we are.

  3. During this experiences, when taking class in person is more comfortable than having online discussion because in person we are not going to get lost in somehow, but during the online time we are going to have several problem that waste time to wait, like disconnection of internet or some of us might lose where we are.

  4. The benefit of taking classes online is I don’t need to wake up early, otherwise, I need to wake early to go to school every day and rushing myself get into the train. And the benefit of taking classes in person is I and the professor could talk without any lacking, and we don’t need to worry about internet problems. One of my professors doesn’t know how to uses a computer or technology, therefore, during the pandemic, he only uses zoom to call us because he doesn’t know how to create an online file for his students. So online classes are very hard for people who don’t use technology recently. If there is no virus I wish I could take my classes in person then I don’t need to worry about how to take our test. Also, it is more convenient for students and the staff at the school.

  5. The benefits of learning under the class in person are we can understand better, and we can have more attention in the class. When we want to answer the question, we can raise our hands to answer the question one by one. However, the disadvantage of learning online is many people have their network problem that they can’t join the class, that they don’t know what the teacher is teaching. When they try to answer the question, there are always in double sound.

  6. In this experiences I was take the online class it was a very big different between the face to face class.First I got more time to sleep and did not need to worry about the subway late.However when I taken the online I was hard to pay attention to listen to heard what teacher was said and sometime my internet had problem it would be hard to taken the class.

  7. The benefit of taking classes online is I don’t need to take the bus for one hour to get to school. And the disadvantage of online is I get busy then I leave it for later, however, in-person I have a specific time to finish the work. And the benefit of taking classes in person is I can have a talk with the professor without any difficulties, such as we don’t need to worry about internet problems. In addition, my math professor keeps posting a lot of sets for each class, which each set has 5-8 problems. also, my reading professor doesn’t do a meeting, she just posts one assignment we to do and then submitted by submitting

  8. The benefit of taking classes online is I don’t need to take the bus for one hour to get to school. And the disadvantage of online is I get busy then I leave it for later, however, in-person I have a specific time to finish the work. And the benefit of taking classes in person is I can have a talk with the professor without any difficulties, such as we don’t need to worry about internet problems. In addition, my math professor keeps posting a lot of sets for each class, which each set has 5-8 problems. also, my reading professor doesn’t do a meeting, she just posts one assignment we to do and then submitted by submitting

  9. My former experience of taking writing 021 in person is better than online. Online has some benifitial sides though it has some disadvantages. It is more convenient because we don’t need to go anywhere else other than home.However, it is convenient , It has created some problem for me as a new online user as taking class. I don’t know proper use of it that’s why I am getting a problem with my bio class. In this pandemic time, I use my in person class experience like a friend of mine is a former student of cuny from my home country who help me about online class. I think in person classes are exciting which gives me an opportunity to talk with my classmates, professors,and other students of campus. On the other hand online classes has a few relationship with other because there is no eye-contact , sometimes which is more valuable than online virtual class.

  10. In Amy happy to have the experience of taking the w021 writting class for one semester. At first, I like the teaching that my professor used and she is a very nice teacher. Since the coronavirus, we had classes in person and online. Compared to in person class, the biggest beneficial that I got from online class is I don’t need to wake up early and take train to school. In addition, I think teacher can use much more resources to teaching in online class and those are more helpful for me to improve. However, the disavantage for me in online class is- I don’t have lunch time during online class.

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