The two articles from the New York Times I asked you to read are similar to each other in specific ways, but the differences are important. Please describe each article and explain their similarities and differences.
Author: Gertzog 'sEnglish
May 8 blog post – test taking
On Wednesday, you each had 90 minutes to take an actual CAT test. Discuss what the most difficult challenge for you was and why was it such
Blog post May 6 – Technology
It’s March 11. You have to write a letter to your former self about your experiences of taking Writing 021 in person and on line. Tell yourself what the benefits and disadvantages of learning under both circumstances are. If you are taking other classes that meet the way we do, please include that information as well. If you are taking other classes that do not meet in person, write about that. If you have been challenged by technology, discuss that element of the experience. If you have benefitted by saving money and time, like Ann Patchett and shopping, talk about that as well. This response should be a full paragraph. In addition as you start to read your classmates blog posts, please include their information into your own post. It is really important that you respond using a complete compare and contrast model.
May 4 Writing Blog – the CAT
The CATW exam is next Monday. You have a week to prepare. If you were in charge of setting curriculum, what would be your choice of material to study on Wednesday and Friday, and if you had a tutoring session, what would you like the subject(s) to be. Be thorough, specific and selfish.
Writing post May 1 Comparing sports cultures
IN Ready, Set, Go, the writer describes American sports culture from a multitude of angles. Can you provide a comparison between American sports culture and the culture of sports in your native culture?
April 29 Writing blog post
If you had the option of attending college in your native country, and attend in the U.S., which would you choose. Explain your choice.
April 27 Writing blog post Education during Covid 19
Some people have said that during this crisis, they have been getting a better education by working from home, while others have said that on-campus education provides better academic support. What is your opinion? Please support your thoughts with concrete evidence.
April 24 Writing blog post -President of the U.S.
If you were the President of the United States, how would you handle the current Covid 19 crisis and what would you attitude about immigration be?
April 22 Blog post-Preparing for the CATW
During a normal semester, when we are not all working on line, the CATW test is given in a room where you have your paper dictionaries, several writing utensils, a passage and a blue book to write your answers. You will have 90 minutes to respond to the passage. As you know the first step is to read the passage and annotate on it. Reading and annotating, outline development and summarizing should take no longer than 20-25 minutes. Explain in a few sentences what you plan to do in an on line test in which you will be subject to the same time requirements, but completing all the work in your notebook. How will you manage the time? Since you can’t annotate on the passage, how will you prepare yourself for writing your passage within the same time frame?
April 20 blog post Clutter
You have now spent nearly a month closed in your homes. in that time, you have had an opportunity to figure out what makes you most comfortable. Do you prefer to have a house filled to the top with items that make you happy? Or do you think that being as neat as possible with empty space is more appealing to you. Determine which you value you more and explain why.