Hao Ye’s Profile

Active 3 years, 5 months ago
Hao Ye
Display Name
Hao Ye
Major Program of Study
Computer Systems Technology

My Courses

021 ESL Writing, Spring 2020

021 ESL Writing, Spring 2020

This course focuses on developing language and academic writing skills. Students will practice reading for comprehension as well as drafting, revising and summarizing skills. They will polish their grammar with a focus on creating academic level complex sentence structure while avoiding sentence fragments and run-ons. Students will work extensively on paragraph and essay organization, and on writing multiple drafts of proofread, edited and reedited essays.

ENG1101 English Composition I (O218) | Fall 2020

ENG1101 English Composition I (O218) | Fall 2020

An online course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques including the use of the library. Using readings ranging from the NYC experience to how modern technology is molding society, we will be using experiential writing methods to improve our writing skills and foster personal projects.



This is a reading class. The goal of the class is to improve your reading comprehension skills. This will be achieved by mastering the lessons in the text book. By the end of the term you should be able to identify the main idea of a reading passage; distinguish major from minor details; recognize patterns of organization; understand the author’s purpose, and other things that will help you read faster with better comprehension. The class will also focus on developing your English vocabulary.



High Intermediate Reading Course

ESOL 12R D826/24016

ESOL 12R D826/24016

This is a reading class. The goal of the class is to improve your reading comprehension skills. This will be achieved by mastering the lessons in the text book. By the end of the term you should be able to identify the main idea of a reading passage; distinguish major from minor details; recognize patterns of organization; understand the author’s purpose, and other things that will help you read faster with better comprehension. The class will also focus on developing your English vocabulary.

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