Class Info

  • Date – Monday Class: September 13, 2021 — 2:30-5:50pm
  • Date – Tuesday Class: September 14, 2021 — 2:30-5:50pm

To-Do Before Class

Complete these items:

  • Writing Assignment: Complete your Reflection Essay we started in class. Follow the Assignment instructions on Slide # 9.
    • Your paper should be written using 11-point Ariel font on 8 ½” x 11” paper. Include a header in the upper left-hand corner of the paper with your name, date, course number (ARCH1101), professor’s name (Prof. Gernert), and assignment number (Assignment 1)
    • Save as a PDF file with your name, date, course number [ARCH1101]
    • Submit your essay via email to me, Professor Gernert
    • Homework submittal file format, and uploading for the rest of the semester will be reviewed in Class 2
  • Sketching Assignment:
  • 1. Complete the sketch of the building you started in class from the slides;
  • 2. Make another sketch: choose one from the 3 slides from class – slides 24-26.
    • Be prepared to show your sketches during our next class.
    • Photo and make jpegs of your sketches.
    • Be sure the file size is not too large – 1MB or less.
    • Email me your jpeg files.
  • Architecture Research: we will begin this project in Class 2. To get ready, please do the assignment below —
    • Find an image of a building that you find particularly beautiful or interesting, and be prepared to share the image at the next class meeting.
    • Be prepared to describe why this building interests you.


  • Architectural principles from Vitruvius
  • Continue introduction to architectural sketching
  • Measuring + scale — Please have your architectural scale ready to use in Class 2


  • Demonstrate understanding of basic concepts, principles, and vocabulary from Vitruvius
  • Demonstrate basics of architectural sketching — line quality, one- and two-point perspective


  • Review Assignment 1 + share your sketches
  • Class discussion + Slides: Organizational structures in Architecture
  • View video on sketching
  • Practice free-hand sketching with attention to line quality and proportion, using one- and two-point perspective

  • Look for location Map in Agenda 3 — will be posted Sunday September 19.

To-Do After Class

  • If you haven’t already –
  • Purchase sketching and drafting supplies as listed in Course Resources ADDITION — you will need some method of measuring. This can be a free app for your phone, or a 12′ or 25′ tape measure.
  • Submit all work due today to this Dropbox if you haven’t emailed to me yet.
  • Sketching Assignment:
    • Watch the Video we viewed in class; complete or redraw your sketch of a building from last week that you began in class.
    • Complete the 2-point sketch you started in class from the photo here.
    • Complete or redraw 1 of your sketches from last week, using sketching tips from the video and from our class discussion.
    • Choose an interior view in your home or elsewhere, and sketch a 1 or 2-point sketch perspective.
  • Writing Assignment:
    • Your paper should be written using 11-point Ariel font on 8 ½” x 11” paper. Include a header in the upper left-hand corner of the paper with your name, date, course number (ARCH1101), professor’s name (Prof. Gernert), and assignment number (Assignment 1)
  • SUBMIT your Sketches and Written work for Assignment 2 to:
    • Monday Class — Dropbox Here. Submit by Sunday September 19, 6pm.
    • Tuesday Class — Dropbox Here. Submit by Monday September 20, 6pm.

  • NOTE: Follow these formatting and submittal instructions for every assignment:
    1. Save your file or photo of your drawing as a PDF.
    2. Keep the file size small – 2 Mb max.
    3. Name your file in this format: LastName_FirstName_ARCH1101-LCxx_assignment#+name_Date
    4. So for the Monday class if I were submitting my sketch, the file name for the second assignment would be: Gernert_Lynn_ARCH1101-LC60_2_Sketch_091321
    5. If I were in the Tuesday class, the file name would be: Gernert_Lynn_ARCH1101-LC67_2_Sketch_091421
  • NOTE: Assignments that are not submitted in the correct format will not be reviewed or graded. You will be asked to re-submit.

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