Class Meeting Info

  • Date: Monday August 30, Tuesday August 31, 2021
  • Meeting via Zoom: by email the day before class

To-Do Before Class

  1. Join the course on Open Lab – Per my earlier email, in case you didn’t receive it:
  • Our course site will be on OpenLab. There is an excellent tutorial website that will help you create an account and get started with OpenLab, as well as prepare you for a successful and enjoyable online learning experience:

  • Once you have created an account on OpenLab, please join our course:

2. Supplies and Tools for class:

  • Please buy the items on this list. You will use them in this class, your design classes and throughout your studies in architecture.


Introduction and Overview of the course


  • Introduce ourselves
  • Review the OpenLab site and course syllabus
  • Discuss the process of becoming an architect
  • Introduce modes of looking at, understanding, and representing architecture


  • Create OpenLab account and join this course (see above)
  • Introduce yourself by creating a post in Discussions: Introductions
  • Discussion introducing the profession of architecture, how architects think, and modes of representation
  • Reflection on school + career paths working on/in the built environment
  • Sketching and writing practice

To-Do After Class

  • Review above “To Do Before Class” and “Activities” and complete anything not completed during this class period.
  • Purchase sketching and drafting supplies as listed in Course Resources

  • Writing Assignment: Complete your Reflection Essay we started in class. Follow the Assignment instructions on Slide # 9.
    • Your paper should be written using 11-point Ariel font on 8 ½” x 11” paper. Include a header in the upper left-hand corner of the paper with your name, date, course number (ARCH1101), professor’s name (Prof. Gernert), and assignment number (Assignment 1)
    • Save as a PDF file with your name, date, course number [ARCH1101]
    • Submit your essay via email to me, Professor Gernert
    • Homework submittal file format, and uploading for the rest of the semester will be reviewed in Class 2

  • Sketching Assignment:
  • 1. Complete the sketch of the building you started in class from the slides;
  • 2. Make another sketch: choose one from the 3 slides from class – slides 24-26.
    • Be prepared to show your sketches during our next class.
    • Photo and make jpegs of your sketches.
    • Be sure the file size is not too large – 1MB or less.
    • Email me your jpeg files.

  • Architecture Research: we will begin this project next class. To get ready, please do the assignment below —
  • Find an image of a building that you find particularly beautiful or interesting, and be prepared to share the image at the next class meeting.
  • Be prepared to describe why this building interests you.