response 8

In the short story Goodman brown, a young man decides to take a journey into the forbidden forest. Taking place in the city upon the hill, the forest was a place where witches and wizards hid and practiced treason. However the man still decides to partake in the journey, leaving his wife faith behind.

From reading the passage I believe that the forest is just a symbol of the woods inside him. His wife faith, symbolizing actual faith, seems to be slowly slipping through this grasp. No matter how loud he screams her name, she never seems to be there for him. At least not able to find him in the forest he created inside his head. Rather than a literal journey I believe this man was in war within himself.  Fearing the possibility of losing faith, he desperately try to cling on to faith but everything around him is preventing that from happening. Feeling as if the entire community is against him, he begins to isolate himself. When he finally loses hope stating that its all a lost cause he finally accepts the serpent and is shot back to reality.

At the end he completely isolates himself from the rest of the community and falls out of love with faith. Showing that he isn’t able to come to terms between reality and fantasies explains that he probably became crazy. His wife faith was never able to help him because his anxieties remained inside.

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