Response 7 (Malcolm)

Today we discussed Edgar Allen Poe. His stories are American unlike all the other ones that have been read up till now which have taken place in other parts of the world. Poe is a very unusual writer as his style of writing is kinda hard to grapse. In the short story that I have read called “The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether” takes place in a insane asylum in which a system dubed the (soothe system) is implemented to alegely help the inmates, but in reallity its just a severe form of punishment, as you give them the idea that they are free, but in reallity the are right under your thumb at all times. Any sane person would go insane from something like that, now just imagine that happening to someone who has been dubed from a medical standpoint as insane, its not a pretty picture. No surprise the inmates broke out, and subjected the gaurds to the same harsh treatment they had endured; quote something thats to be soothing. Whats have to be the biggest, and most odd twist is that its implied that Tarr, and Fehter are the crazy ones though its not openly said. The narrater himself is mad as he traveled across Europe to find a book on Tarr, and Fehters system, but never to find one. My opinion in reallity is one of slight confusion as stories like this are not easy to understand the ins, and outs, as the story leaves you with a sense of guessing who was the real crazy person.

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One Response to Response 7 (Malcolm)

  1. Mohammad.I says:

    I agree that this story along with Poe’s other stories are very unusual and almost seems random, as if the the whole situation was a hypothetical situation someone thought of with a well thought out twist in the plot. I don think works like this should not be over analyzed and should be taken as it is because you will find many plot holes and realize that many of it is a bit exaggerated, like the narrator travelling across Europe to find that book.

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