Response 6 (Malcolm)

Recently we had started reading a new novel called Dr. Jerkyl and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson. Its about its a manered man (Dr. Jerkyl) with a alternate personality called Mr. Hyde. Jerkyl is a composed person as thats the norm of the time who lives a rather mondane life, But that cannot be said for his alter ego Mr. Hyde. Hyde from what is shown is a mecerless monster who will kill at the drop of the hat with the little, or no provencation. He brutally beat down a young girl, and viciouslly killed a high profile individual. Mr. Hyde is a persona that could be described as a short, ugly person, a polar opposite of how Jerkyl is . Jerkyl is calm, quiet, and stay out of the way of society when he can. But can be said is as a person who live a society in which being proper is absolute all the time, it can weigh heavy on the mind forcing you to repress every last impulse, to do as you please, and have that considered to be improper. All of that has to come out at some point, and in Jerkyls case it came out in a psycopathic being. Jerkyls friend known as Utterman who is a lawyer  whom seems to have a odd relationship as these two seems at times to be at odds with each others is also freindly twards each other. Honestly its complacated.

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One Response to Response 6 (Malcolm)

  1. Idalon says:

    Yes i agree that is complicate, but i think we need books like this because its different. I have never read a book like this. A lot of people have their inner ego, with different personality; even a lot of singers have those too. Maybe since Mr.Hyde was strange and disform type of person, Seems like Dr.jekyll really want to be out of the norm, and creepy. From my understanding, i believe that Dr.Jekyll wants to get out of his confront zone, and be the mean, and weird looking person, since he is a calm and quiet guy.

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