
as we come to an end on the novel Frankenstein we see the complexity of victor and Frankenstein in how they different but alike has well. victor wants to live and be alone and Frankenstein instead wants the total opposite instead he wants family and acceptance. he wants something that victor has and that bothers Frankenstein. victor is blind by his own greed and want for power but yet Frankenstein is so gentle and caring but both carry an ugly monster. we see this towards the end of the book, on how Frankenstein wants to make victor feel hurt and lonely by hurting everyone around him. victor doesn’t realize until later that he all along could of stop Frankenstein’s killing by just showing affection and interest in the creature or baby he has created. Frankenstein anger is developed due to victors hate towards him and also I want to say Frankenstein might hate himself  has well for being this “monster” but couldn’t control that victor is his creator!. being able to understand that the person who brought you into this world doesn’t want you is crazy!!. victor himself was never worried about his creation feeling but instead the glory of being the one and only to create a human out of different parts and come to life. at the end Frankenstein told victor before his death that he will destroy the only evidence of his wonderful work and forever condem the only glory that he could of have. at the end Frankenstein finally found peace and burn himself to ashes and left.

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