Reading Response 4

In Frankenstein, the idea of the author using doubles really intrigued me. The way that Victor Frankenstein and the Creature look completely different and are opposites in personality yet seem to be similar in that fact that they both are half of a person. Together they make a functioning ambitious team but separately you can see the consequences of someone taking it too far. Victor can be seen as a person blinded by his goals. This caused him to completely isolate himself from others psychologically, preventing him from ever achieving a normal life inevitably leading to his downfall. The Creature in the other hand is ambitious but for a whole other reason. Rather then being focused on his life work, he yearns for a family he can call his own. To be noticed and accepted by someone. I believe that the author saw many people fail with their adventurous goals because the were too much of a Victor or Frankenstein. She believed that in order to successfully achieve your goal, you must be thirsty for what you set out to do but you cant let that hunger blind you. Being aware of your surrounding and keeping the people who were there for you the entire time is something priceless in that they can always let you know when your doing something wrong. That person can be seen in Walton whose personality lies in the middle of them two. His ambition is as great as them both but between his hungry eyes, one can see the love and compassion he has for others.

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3 Responses to Reading Response 4

  1. I also agree with what you are saying when you say that both the creature and Victor in a way are the same, I mean they do look completely different but in way they seem to both have this earning for revenge against eachother for what they have done to eachother; it essentially shows us the passion they had for one another.

    -Briana Estrada 9/30

  2. Mohammad.I says:

    I liked the connection you made between Victor or the monster and ordinary people. I agree that we all have a little bit of the negative aspect of Victor’s or the monsters personality in us.

  3. marvi krifca says:

    I agree with what youre saying and i also agree that they have both have a few similarities between them. They both love to get revenge on each other and the passion behind it.

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